
Friday, January 3, 2014


I find it odd that MAX ridership is exactly the same for November this year as last year. Bus ridership sinking and WES gets its usual bump being the best bargain in transit on the west coast. WES still have a pathetically low ridership however so the % increase is very misleading as WES STILL has not met "First Year" ridership goal of 2,500 boarding rides..TRIMET has been losing riders month after month after month yet Mcfarlane keeps saying what a wonderful job he and his executives are doing. If you look at the raw numbers, Mcfarlane and his crew are miserable failures.

Click to enlarge  November 2013 Monthly Performance Report - 2013-11.pdf


Erik H. said...

Five years of WES coming up, and we STILL haven't met our "First Year" ridership goal of 2,500 boarding rides...

Al M said...

Thanks Erik I revised the post

Jason McHuff said...

Has the economy returned to the state projected as part of WES ridership modelling?

A commuter service having less ridership when there's less commuters should be understandable.

Nedwell said...

The state unemployment rate for November was the lowest since Sept 2008. While unemployment's still slightly above the national average, we're not seeing any modest uptick in Trimet ridership. So, has Trimet lost those riders as they go back to work? Not the scenario of a vibrant transit system...

But then it's all about growing light rail, isn't it?