
Sunday, January 2, 2011

AC Transit Eliminates Paper Tickets

Post here!


Erik H. said...

This is exactly what TriMet (and C-Tran, and SMART, and Cherriots, and a few other agencies) need to do. In fact they ought to join in on ORCA and have one transit card system that works anywhere along the Amtrak Cascades corridor so someone who gets on an Amtrak train can use their ORCA card to ride TriMet to Union Station, then upon arrival in Tacoma or Seattle, use the same ORCA card to access transit up there.

This would also largely eliminate the problem on WES where cash riders are essentially barred from using the mode of transit; plus many MAX stations have just one cash TVM (and if it's broke, TriMet's official policy is that you can still be ticketed for fare evasion) - because even those unable to obtain a bank debit/credit card can still load up a transit card with cash to ensure they have fare.

Of course, that'd made transit easier for EVERYONE in Portland and not just the "choice riders"...

Max said...

SMART may not be interested, since most of their service is FARE-FREE!!

BURN!!! ouch!! ;-)

PS - I agree with what your saying, but the way you describe it above has no advantageover simply buying a book of tickets from a grocery store:

1) ride the WES - yep
2) no more problems with card-only TVMs - yep
3) don't need a debit/credit card - yep