
Sunday, January 23, 2011


Dear President Jon Hunt,
As I think about the voting process I have witnessed it has brought up many security questions about the true outcome of our members voting.

I have witnessed blank ballots handed out to members before a vote. I don’t recall if a count of the total ballots is taken. Once the issue at hand is presented to the membership then members are asked to place their vote and turn it in.

I have witnessed some ballots not filled out or turned in and just held by a member for the next vote. It is not clear if a total count of returned votes match the number of ballots put out.

For the next issue any member that kept ahold of their blank ballot has an opportunity to receive another blank ballot and vote twice on that issue or more on another.

After all issues are addressed and ballots are returned and sealed in a labeled envelope they are placed in a large briefcase along with blank ballots and blank envelopes. Upon the ending of the meeting I lose sight of the briefcase and I am not aware of how many chances officers have to get access to these votes.

I am in need of a detailed security breakdown about how our voting process is handled and what opportunities there are for tampering. I have already pointed out a few and the security of our membership is important.

A timely response would be deeply appreciated. -Chris Day

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