
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Trimet bus scanner-August 11 (part 3)


5776 Can we send a friendly reminder to other ops

938 Rim Jobs

7003 This is a different Mike

1011 Protesters

Bus Vs. Bus at 12th&Powell

943 Bus vs. Bus Friendly reminder on time point

Operator don’t enforce masks

241 Priority Car hit bus at time point NPA

241 Exchanged info Wait for Sup

241 No passengers Go ahead and roll

604 There high as a kite Kite. I’ve been accused of drug use and child molestation. No supervisor near by to help.

7203 Did he spit inside the bus at all?

9370 Mike Speaking His lift is jammed

7104 Missed the turn

409 Leader in Technology

934 The station agent has a plan. He’s goona keep you our so you can pass up.

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