A private collection of material focusing on the never ending joys of the Trimet industrial complex-Follow the Twitter feed for complete coverage and trimet scanner calls https://twitter.com/AlYourPalster
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Guess I Just Bend Over Again
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
CC: Sam
I’m going someplace different this time. At another work week end, I’m more exhausted than ever before. Let’s explore the why.
It’s demeaning to say I told ya so, but here we are as promised. After battling through countless historic events with management cheerleading/waterboarding us along, I knew it would turn its back on the Operations team upon whose efforts it rode its self congratulatory wave.
Yeah upper management, you’re easily predictable and just proved what I mean by “you suck”. Only difference between you an
Monday, August 12, 2024
Friday, August 9, 2024
Basically the argument is this: pass this contract or everybody that has family/personal or sickness issues will be FIRED!
Thursday, August 8, 2024
In his written decision, Gaba lamented not being able to pick and choose parts of the two offers. Gaba wrote that he was in the uncomfortable position of having to approve contract language that he found “personally offensive.” An arbitrator since 1997, Gaba was at one time an… pic.twitter.com/pRUwbegv7Y
— Al M (@AlYourPalster) August 8, 2024
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Monday, July 29, 2024
Hey Boss, why you trying to kill me? All of us were “Heroes” during Covid-19 according to your signs. We worked through it. You hid from it. We deserve better than being afraid to take care of ourselves when health issues confront us.
Your collective attitude towards us during, and after that putrid “Hero” propaganda campaign, was disgusting. Discipline turned abusive. We were suspended for “mask behavior” even though many of us had already been wearing them before the mandate.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
TriMet Attendance and Leave TA
I hear good old Shirley left quite a mess for Bruce and Henry to clean up
I really had a lot of respect for Shirley, I really did. And then she met Sam Desue, and she was putty in his hands #trimet #atu757 pic.twitter.com/7o2JSepiOg
— Al M (@AlYourPalster) July 16, 2024
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Furthermore her hand-picked replacements all got the ditch except for Longoria who ran unopposed for some reason
— Al M (@AlYourPalster) July 10, 2024
Al’s officially out of service. https://t.co/X9Ig8J5Bkt
— PDX SCANNER (@realpdxscanner) July 10, 2024
Monday, July 8, 2024
Dear Sam,
I heard you just got a 14% raise,(actually it was 15%) putting your pay at or above $400k. I actually DO the work of transit and make less than a quarter of that.
Saturday, July 6, 2024
The District will equip all buses with windshield washers and keep them in working order.
All employees covered by this Agreement shall be reimbursed for loss or damage of certain personal property due to armed robbery, assault or theft, excluding mysterious disappearance, under the following conditions: 1. The armed robbery, theft or assault occurs while the employee is at work; and 2. The property was in the personal possession of the employee at the time of the theft or robbery, or in the case of transit operators, the property was on the coach and was not unattended, except when the operator was required to leave the driver’s compartment
An Operator who has not been relieved at his/her normal relief point and relief time and who so notified the Station Agent is to be **relieved within one (1) hour ** of such notification and, if not, to be paid at the rate of **double time**
Bruce has to take a serious look at this Prior to the conclusion of these negotiations, the parties shall provide each other with any and all side letters, Memoranda of Understanding, or Supplemental Agreements which remain active and in effect. Any side letters, Memoranda of Understanding, or Supplemental Agreements not specifically identified by either party will be considered null and void.
Par. 43. On an annual basis, by September 1st, the The District shall deposit 88,000 annually into to the Recreation Trust Fundfor recreation activities. Upon the expiration of this Agreement, the District’s obligation to make deposits shall end and shall not be continued during the hiatus period as part of the status quo. Recreational activities shall be budgeted within the District’s operating budget. ***ATU will provide an annual accounting to the District by September 1st of the prior fiscal year’s $88,000 allotment. *** The accounting will outline the amount paid, the vendor, the date, and the purpose for the expense. The District may review and examine transactions and if there is suspected abuse. If the review shows that funds are not being used for their proper purposes, the District reserves the right to request reimbursement back from ATU or reduce future contributions to ATU for the amount of the improper use of recreation funds.
An employee that is the subject of an assault, including spitting upon the operator, that requires medical treatment or that is referred to EAP by Safety and Security, shall be allowed to complete the remainder of his/her their shift that day or to turn down the remainder of scheduled hours of work for that day without loss of pay or time loss.
For those retired employees who left the service of the District prior to February 1, 1992, the District shall pay the full cost of providing these retirees and their dependents with medical, prescription drug, vision benefits and dental (retiree and spouse only) And they fucked those of us who were on this contract but didn’t retire by that date
It is also recognized that to protect the interest of the public, efficient, reliable, and convenient service must be given with resources available. This can only be accomplished by maintenance of adequate and effective facilities from which careful, competent, and courteous employees operate modern equipment. Pretty funny so far
Thursday, July 4, 2024
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Dear Sam,
You sold me a lemon after promising a cherry. When you say you want to meet me again after an initial “get to know each other” chat, it’s considered a promise. When you take over a year to do so, it is a broken one.
When my fellow Operators asked, “How’s your buddy Sam?” I felt embarrassed and angry. We opened what I hoped was a promising dialogue. Then you pushed me aside like an annoying insect. Yeah I’m tough on you when I write, but after you leave here you get the Golden Egg and we’ll just gather the shells. So when your assistant contacted me to schedule our follow up a year later, I declined. You were very tardy. You can’t be even one second late in transit or you lose your work for the day.
Thursday, June 27, 2024
I've seen a lot of fucked up things since I became a member of ATU757 in 1996 but Blocks trying to ram through this 4 year contract at the very end of her term is really one of the most despicable acts I've witnessed.
While Jonathan Hunt was stupid enough to be conned by Fred Hansen agreeing to give up the right to strike can be seen as "forgivable" as he was "promised" things that turned out to be lies, Shirley knows her term is over but yet thinks she has the authority to ram through this four year contract. While its not a 'horrible' contract, the fact that she's trying to ram it through before her term ends is unforgivable. The "inflation raises" are insufficient (while Sam The man got 15% this year alone). Hopefully this will get shot down like her incumbents did. She leaves office as a truly disgraceful "president" of a union and she shows everyone that this union is owned by the company
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Monday, June 24, 2024
TRIMET BORED OF DIRECTORS (aka the sock puppets) meeting coming up
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I no longer watch these board meetings even though they can provide interesting details that will not be found anywhere else. I finally came to the conclusion that knowing all these "details" is completely useless as it doesn't matter what we know.
Nothing will change by any of us knowing any of this. So what's the point of watching the puppets when it does not translate into anything that can create change.
Its a crime syndicate, just like all the rest of the industrial complexes that control our lives. Government steals our taxes and funnels it upwards into projects that serve no one but the elites that are running everything now. The corporations hike prices solely to pay more dividends to the elite stock holders and hand their CEO's hundreds of millions in compensation. This is not a "trimet" thing, its everything now.
We are living in a society run by criminals and they are stealing everything. All we peasants can do is watch as"they" are not trying to hide any of this blatant corruption. Its in plain sight, they even brag about it.
As we know TriMet is hardly the “leader” in technology but coming up at the next puppet show they give more money to these failed contractors cause thats what they do https://trimet.org/meetings/board/pdfs/2024-06-26/Resolution%2024-06-34%20%E2%80%93%20Authorizing%20Modification%20of%20Temporary%20Services%20Contracts%20for%20Information%20Technology.pdf
Also at the next TriMet puppet show they will give away $15,000,000 to “design“ the next useless pork barrel on 82nd Avenue rather than just provide more buses on that corridor cause that’s what they do. Steal your taxes and give it away to pork barrels https://trimet.org/meetings/board
At the TriMet puppet show they will be giving away $295,000 for “pre construction” work (cause the people that work at TriMet don’t actually do anything) https://trimet.org/meetings/board/pdfs/2024-06-26/Resolution%2024-06-36%20%E2%80%93%20Authorizing%20a%20Contract%20with%20Mass.%20Electric%20Construction%20Company%20for%20CMGC%20Services.pdf… all this pork will go to “minority“ contractors of course
Everyone thinks the TriMet radio systems are total garbage. So of course let’s give them more millions. The puppets approve everything https://trimet.org/meetings/board/pdfs/2024-06-26/Resolution%2024-06-37%20%E2%80%93%20Authorizing%20a%20Contract%20with%20Tait%20Communications%20for%20Radio%20System%20Managed%20Services.pdf
$3.7 million for some crap at the absurd “columbia bus base”— exemption required to give it to the preferred contractor https://trimet.org/meetings/board/pdfs/2024-06-26/Resolution%2024-06-38%20%E2%80%93%20Authorizing%20an%20Exemption%20from%20Low%20Bid%20Requirements%20for%20General%20Site%20Prep%20and%20Construction%20of%20MDF.pdf… millions and millions on pork but we “can’t find operators to bring your service back
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Vote for
— Al M (@AlYourPalster) June 1, 2024
RIPPY FOR TREASURER#atu757 #trimet pic.twitter.com/5BLazBVHBs
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
What possible motivation would it be for a person who is a union “president” to sign this give away to the company?
— Al M (@AlYourPalster) May 29, 2024
She’s 100% sellout, and her incumbents should be given the ditch pic.twitter.com/2G7oc8GvkC
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
I’ve always really liked Bruce and worked hard to get him elected but he let us retirees down and I’m having problem letting that go
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
I'm not going to watch it but here is the list of the cash handed out and other shit that happened.
1-$1,700,000 for THE REED GROUP click here for the actual resolution
2-Amend the TAX GRAB which they call STFF FUNDING its $245.2 million resolution here
3-In order to maintain access to the Columbia property, the construction schedule for TriMet’s 42nd Avenue Security Main Gate Project necessarily has been advanced $1 million and change resolution here
4-Exemption from low bidding (also known as crony capitalism) to redesign various transit centers,which they have done over and over in the 25 years I've followed this mess. resolution here
5-Exemption from low bidding (also known as crony capitalism) obtain on-call services contractors for minor alteration and construction work to maintain these bridges and structures. resolution here
6-5-Exemption from low bidding (also known as crony capitalism) e solicitation for a contract to replace the Bus and Light Rail Vehicle Wash Building Equipment at various TriMet Maintenance Facilities. resolution here
7-Ordinance No. 377 will make MAX and bus service changes and revise route designation blah blah blah you can read the resolution here
8-The "equity analysis" bullshit report is HERE
9-ORDINANCE NO. 378 is to close SKIDMORE FOUNTAIN so the disposed can't get on or off there. Read it HERE
10-FOWARD TOGETHER 2.0-you wanna read that crap click THIS LINK
11-Some FX report bullshit-read it AT THIS LINK if you can stomach it
Monday, April 29, 2024
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Friday, April 26, 2024
Nancy Oliver Young says expect a fare increase every year and Venetta says expect a payroll tax increase #trimet tax commission pic.twitter.com/puSa8nZA3n
— Al M (@AlYourPalster) April 26, 2024
Sewall and Vitko talk about "labor"
— Al M (@AlYourPalster) April 26, 2024
There were 4095 applications last year yet there is still a labor shortage?
How does that work? pic.twitter.com/Kwblg9UeJT
Lehto and Venetta sling the bullshit at the TriMet tax committee pic.twitter.com/bJq1cmk24a
— Al M (@AlYourPalster) April 26, 2024
TriMet tax supervising commission
— Al M (@AlYourPalster) April 26, 2024
-Part 1
-Sam 'da man' Desue gives us his usual schtick pic.twitter.com/I55I3KdRra
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Monday, April 22, 2024
Sunday, April 21, 2024
Friday, April 19, 2024
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
This is the complete Sammy TriMet February Town hall