
Friday, May 6, 2011




Anonymous said...

Is it really that bad? I mean, you're still doing it.

Al M said...

If I were younger and the times were equal I would never have considered it.
Bus drivers used to be respected, had control over their jobs.
We were not overloaded with rules, regulations, scheduling and managers breathing down our necks!
This job is HORRIBLE compared to when I first got into this!

punkrawker4783 said...

I have to completely disagree with you. As a fellow operator (for a nearby agency) This job is what you make of it. If you think of managers, rules, Money, Overtime...and you think of this as a "job" and nothing will be miserable, without a doubt. If you come in everyday, sign in, go grab your bus, head out and provide the best service you can, its a great job. You can't let things like asshole drivers, fare evaders and bad attitudes get under your skin. Ignore the people who condemn public transit, odds are they don't even ride the bus and have no room to talk. I find that when I sit back, drive safe, see my regulars, and enjoy the awesome Pacific NW scenery, its the best job ever. On some routes, you get to enjoy the show & entertainment. But you cant let the negatives get to you. It beats sitting in a dark cubical everyday, with no windows.

Al, If you took a moment and removed your self from the propaganda of TriMet and its horrible management (which I would say might be difficult for me too if i worked there), you just focused on coming in, seeing your fellow co-workers, hopping on your bus and seeing your riders, and giving them the best service possible, without focusing on the union rules, or TriMets rules, or the bad from the media rap etc etc, is it really that bad? Again, i stress, this job is what YOU make of it.

Al M said...

OK Chad I take responsibility for harsh rhetoric, but I was in this field long before you were, I have a different frame of reference than you do.

This job is much different today than it was 30 years ago, you'll have to take my word for it.

And you my friend, I wish you the best career and happiness, but if something DOES GO WRONG, and now its YOU under the magnifying glass, then maybe you will begin to understand my point!

Mark McCloughlin