
Wednesday, January 8, 2014


A 'report' issued by a right wing 'think tank' that has no actual news value generates mainstream media coverage plus the mainstream news decided that a bus driver collecting head stones deserved coverage? Connection? You better believe it!

 A privately funded organization that accepts money from KOCH Brothers industries and is virulent anti union for some reason gets mainstream news coverage of it's so called 'report'?

Literally dozens and dozens of people were arrested some for violent crimes  and the news media  decided to cover a story about a Trimet Driver who swipes head stones?

Chris Kelly Trimet bus driver collects odd items
Spokeswoman Mary Fetsch sent this email:

“TriMet is a critical public service to this region where 320,000 times a day someone boards a bus or train. We have been very open about the need to realign our cost structure to be in line with the market. The greatest cost driver for us is our active and retiree health benefits.

1 comment:

Loki said...

As per Fetchs' comment. Her comment makes no sence. If we were a business we would have a product to sell and we would be purchasing products to produce our out put. So with nothing to purchase and nothing to sell the only thing you have is labor. So it is absolutely reduclulas statement.

At the same time with out all the purchasing and warehousing and a product to develop for improvement and sales staff. Why does it take so many managers to run this business?

It is not a fair assessment to say they compair to companies with the same number of employees. We have none of all the diffrent divisions required and would needed to run a company with a similar number of employees. What the heck is wrong here?