
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Joe Rose stands up Erik Halstead on a joint ride they had planned together!


Erik H. said...

I did get an apology from Mr. Rose and we'll be rescheduling.

(Hey, maybe this Mr. Rose guy isn't so bad. He can do something TriMet refuses to do!)

Al M said...

Yea he's basically a good guy!

Jason McHuff said...

When are you planning to do it?

Erik H. said...

None of your business Jason.

Max said...

See, you both are being jerks to each other; only Jason seems to be the only person currently taking heat for it.

Al M said...

Hold on just a minute Max.
Can you blame Erik for not wanting Jason around during this ride?
I sure the hell can't.

Max said...

I think that's fine, but Erik doesn't have to be a jerk about it...and this isn't the only comment with this tone, either.

I'm just saying that if everyone is going to lampoon Jason for coping an attitude towards Erik then they should also lampoon Erik as well.

Jason McHuff said...

There's some stuff I'd like to talk to him about too and I thought I would make the event more productive for him (he'll be on the job, after all) if I took advantage of the opportunity.

Plus, I could keep him company (and talk with him) on the way back to Portland (I'm assuming he's not planning on staying out there).