It's my opinion that Chris is not interested in "union bashing" and I know for a fact that I am not interested in union bashing.
Lets get this straight, if the union bottom line for this month is -$25,000.00 and the year to date figure which was reported last month was -$150,000 then the year to date bottom line figure for this month has to be -$175,000! Now if the figure that is reported is -$230,000 then something is wrong, or needs a very concise explanation.
Is that union bashing?
It's interest in exposing this kind of nonsense (and a general lack of confidence in my local's ability to represent my best interests as an Operator) that led to my recent resignation as a member of my Local.
Locals can (and do) discipline members (including fines, etc.) for being openly critical of leadership. Yours is worse than ours (how are those contract talks going?). Can't understand why any of you put up with this crap
I mean as a whole, why do Trimet Operators continue to support and re-elect incompetent union officers? It's not an all-or-nothing proposition. There is no excuse for incompetent leadership.
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