
Friday, June 14, 2013

Latest "seen and heard on Trimet"

But not seen on TRIMET'S HOW WE ROLL BLOG!
I need to get off of this bus immediately.

I've got a strange feelings that someone is watching me...

Why do some people have to talk SO loudly on their phones? Especially on the bus? Makes me hate the person immediately.

Smells like pepperoni on the bus! Bus rider just handed the driver a slice of pizza!

Interesting story of the day: so this guy gets on the bus, and I guess he was wearing a Hail Satan (cont)

So I went to c , but sadly I missed the prevews. And to tell u the truth im blaming 4 making me b late.

Wouldn't it be nice, if cared about its riders like the UTA does? (UTA has shiny new buses, too!!)

bus 4 driver has no idea about the detour near rose quarter so he avoids all stops around it.

i wanna thank 4 making me miss the prevews of the next movies i wanna c. !

Why am I so calm and relaxed? Oh, yeah, I didn't ride today!! No 25 minute wait to ride a crappy old bus on the scenic route!

Is the 'enter' button broken on every streetcar machine on Grand?! Aaaaaarrrrgghh

should save the fancy moves for asia, 50% of the time they can't even stay running.


trip planner sent out of town friends in the wrong direction. They wanted NE you sent them in the opposite direction.

bus got sucked into a tornado

let down by again

Yeah, it's Friday afternoon and I'm still waiting for my bus. 20 minutes and counting.

The 75 due to leave pier park at 5:28 broke down. Should be fun getting home.


I hate trimet, I thought I would never have to ride again but no

the new trimet buses have air conditioning wow i feel like a princess

Fuck Trimet

Run to the stop, it's late. Walk to the stop, it's early.

Trimet drivers are rude! Old man could hardly walk?so he asked "could you stop close to the curve please?" Bitch answered "I guess so" ugh!

Wow TriMet only 25 minutes late nbd!!!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

It should say "The priority seating area is designated for seniors & people who appear worse off than you"

Thanks for skipping the 61 again this morning. So fun having 2 busloads of people crammed into 1. Great way to start the day.

trimet. Stupid phone.

there is a guy with a barking pit bull on this eastbound blue train. NOT a service dog. She's barking & hes hitting her. Car 225A

I hate trimet transportation, ppl on the bus smell like SHIT.

I solemnly swear I will never again. is still better than commuting to work by donkey.

Line 85 skipped a stop again wth you need to train your drivers or something this is getting old not first time with this stop

no ticket validator on hollywood platform? Why???

has stood me up more than trimet Smh

Fare check Rockwood, 2 BMXers asked to get off due to no fare. Ofc. steps off, but dr clsd max leaves b4 kids get off. ? ?

Really? I got off the max cause of trimet. & I buy a ticket , & right when I buy the damn ticket the Max trimet leaves. 😡😡😡😡😡😡 chingate

Also, guy chilling on the bus with a shovel and a backpack that looks very full.  

RT if you can tell which people will lose their balance on the MAX before it even starts moving.

Fuck A Trimet

keep ceasing to amaze me with all the delays constantly I'm starting to contemplate my measly, to you, $1200/year I spend on passes

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