
Wednesday, June 12, 2013


IT'S THE @pdxtransitlane FAN CLUB! Brandan Lasley @brandantl
@ubrmel @hillsbjp @lplant01 this is new to you? He's pretty much schizophrenic, I still think one day he'll be a danger to the public. El Tom @tmundal
@brandantl @ubrmel @hillsbjp @lplant01 I wish he'd jump in front of a bus. And that the driver would accelerate through him. Hillsbjp @hillsbjp
@tmundal @brandantl @ubrmel @lplant01 And blow two stop signs to do it. Brandan Lasley @brandantl
@hillsbjp @tmundal @ubrmel @lplant01 and a red light. El Tom @tmundal
@brandantl @hillsbjp @ubrmel @lplant01 and stop, and backup. Just to make sure. Twice. epiccitizen @epiccitizen
@brandantl @tmundal @hillsbjp @ubrmel @lplant01 and lower a wheel chair ramp up and down on his face repeatedly? #imnewtoghisgame El Tom @tmundal
@epiccitizen @brandantl @hillsbjp @ubrmel @lplant01 scoop that up, put in wood chipper. Scoop that up, paper shredder. Burn what's left. Hillsbjp @hillsbjp
@tmundal @epiccitizen @brandantl @ubrmel @lplant01 yeah but then we'll have to figure out how to scrub the atmosphere Brandan Lasley @brandantl
@hillsbjp @tmundal @epiccitizen @ubrmel @lplant01 launch him into a black hole, I happen to know one that's near by. El Tom @tmundal
@brandantl @hillsbjp @epiccitizen @ubrmel @lplant01 falls city? They'd have fun with a chubby kid like him there. No busses. Brandan Lasley @brandantl
@tmundal @hillsbjp @epiccitizen @ubrmel @lplant01 we would have to put "all sales are final, no returns" El Tom
@brandantl @hillsbjp @epiccitizen @ubrmel @lplant01 put him in a room with trimet employees with bats. No cameras. 10 minutes.

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