
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Trimet IS actually getting new buses

About 20 years late better late than never


punkrawker4783 said...

I hate those seats, they are really uncomfortable, Vancouvers SkyTrain uses them.

Nedwell said...

One odd thing I've noticed about the Gillig low floors (as compared to the New Flyer low floors): As a passenger sitting ahead of the rear door, the bottom of the side windows is at a typical adult passenger's chin height. You feel like you've shrunk in size. But, in the stepped up rear of the bus, the seats have a comfortable height compared to the side windows.

New Flyer designed their bus side windows with two heights that matched up to the two passenger seat heights. Gillig went with a one-size-fits-all window height.(Probably a cheaper design for manufacturing, but less enjoyable as a rider.)

Unknown said...

According to the buget, there is only 30 busses per year fortcasted, where did the extra pork come from?

Ryan said...

What about low-floor 30ft busses??? Neil told me NO to my face