
Thursday, June 20, 2013


I  have to submit a public records request to get Neils Bullshit now
All experienced Trimet watchers that understand the inner workings of Trimet and who use more than mainstream media to get Trimet related information know full well the scope of Trimet's paranoia when it comes to loosing control of the information. There is not one place on the web where Trimet will allow a continuous dialog about their service. They obviously have control issues, serious issues, more like a psychological disorder actually.

Anyway to make a long story short the bullies that call themselves managers have taken to threatening friends of mine over material that appears on my blog. When  asked the 'liar' (manager) who was the blogger he was referring to he lied (as they always do) and said 'he didn't know' (one thing you can count on from Trimet managers, from the top to the bottom, the will always lie to you without thinking twice).

So just to keep the bullies away from my pals I will use the official 'obstruction'  method to getting things out of Trimet, its 'public records request'. That horrible, expensive, abusive, and very untimely bullshit they have over there at the agency obsessed with secrecy and control.

We will start simple, and as always publish every single event related to my experience with these fools.

Let's see how much these assholes charge for the on line NEILS NOTES

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