
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sorry this just doesn't make sense

TriMet conducted extensive public outreach and a transit equity analysis related to the service cuts and fare increases implemented in September 2012 that also included the elimination of the zoned system. The change equalized the fare increase, as more low-income and transit dependent riders live further out in the community, while more affluent, non-minority riders live in the inner city and benefitted from lower fares. The change also matched transfer times for MAX and WES.

Uh, I think they forgot that Oldtown/Chinatown is basically a very low income area. The above assumption is absurd

Proposal to extend transfer time by 30 minutes on hold following complaint filed by OPAL | TriMet News and Media Releases


Jason McHuff said...

It is true that gentrification has pushed people out to East County, etc. But whether there's "more" of them out there now is questionable.

Furthermore, it also seems to assume that everyone is going to what was Zone 1. I would think that many riders living "further out in the community" may also work, etc. out there and only need a 2-zone pass good for Zones 2 and 3.

Anonymous said...

It's true that TriMet completed a Title VI equity analysis of the 2012 fare changes. But among the many, many mistakes the agency made in this analysis is a total failure to recognize (and therefore analyze) that automated ticket printers will result in a decrease of an hour or more for most weekend bus riders. In fact, TriMet erroneously described the instillation of ticket printers on busses as an increase in transfer times. Which means the agency either didn't understand it's own policy, or it didn't care, or both.

Unknown said...

What does the head of Transit Equity say?????

Max said...

Work is one thing; but also remember that the truly transit dependent generally don't go from zone 3 to 1 to run errands (ex: groceries); but now they're forced to buy an All-zone when before it would have just been a 2-zone.

Jason McHuff said...

Re running errands, that's what the "etc" in "work, etc" was supposed to mean.

Also, the second sentence in my comment above should really be "whether "more" of them are out there now", comparing the two areas and not present to past.