
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

TRIMET back-peddles on its bridge naming fiasco

They were not honest about the process up front. The public was lead to believe they would have a role in naming this stupid tax funded boondoggle. Due to their dishonesty the public became enraged when they found out their suggestions went right into the trash bin. 

First and foremost, this has never been a popularity contest. Read the PRESS RELEASE


Anonymous said...

The illusion of democratic process via voting is supposed to lull the commoners not agitate them.

Perhaps the masses. seeing one of their own get the shaft in death as he did in life, are a little worked up?

What's needed is more austerity and surveillance.

Anonymous said...

You called that months ago, I remember you had a post with the fine print of the "contest" which said that the name will ultimately be chosen by this "blue ribbon panel" and Neil himself.