
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Trimet Max has a hard time in cold weather

These are dispatch light rail calls from this morning. Though there were no major service disruptions there were loads of small disruptions. The entire MAX system is one of fragility and given a real public emergency we could almost expect 100% failure.

Trimet Max was a mess this morning from al m on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trimet MAX has a hard time in the heat, the rain, the cold, and including cloudy gray days.

It is too expensive to operate for the small distance it travels. Had the folks who promoted MAX built a line from Portland to Salem things may have turned out different.

MAX is the product of Human selfish greed. MAX was and is about building it for a stimulus stipend credit the Government offers, whereas the Government has boondoggled the local Governments into paying half of the cost for it's development because it is a project to create data that makes the Government look good on paper and YOU pay for it!

All of the big wigs (contractors & management)who profit from it will move out of the area because the tax repercussions from it are just way too expensive for them to acknowledge and pay.

Hence, Tigart and Clackamas rejecting it in the media...

If I were management I would target the Police and Fire pensions next and build a line to Salem.