A private collection of material focusing on the never ending joys of the Trimet industrial complex-Follow the Twitter feed for complete coverage and trimet scanner calls https://twitter.com/AlYourPalster
Thursday, July 31, 2014
ATU-TRIMET back at the table
Trimet gets an "F" for providing its 'customers' with timely information
Appears to be yet ANOTHER Max service disruption of some sort. Scanner is not monitored till around noon.
— TriMet Scanner (@trimetscanner) July 31, 2014
Expect delays up to 30 minutes for MAX Blue Line.
— TriMet (@trimet) July 31, 2014
Expect delays up to 30 minutes for MAX Blue Line.
— TriMet (@trimet) July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Why did Mcfarlane declare a war on his employees publicly
Classic Dispatch
LOL! man smells like a 'cow pie' http://t.co/AJwBVnIS4C
— TriMet Scanner (@trimetscanner) July 31, 2014
Dan says it all
As a bus driver for #Tritmet in #Portland this is my lowest point ever. So much going wrong with our Transit system. I'm so sad
— Dan Christensen (@Dan_Christensen) January 30, 2014
TRIMET propaganda dept wants you!
Get your picture taken today from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Lloyd Center MAX Station. (Look for the TriMet booth.) pic.twitter.com/xRteKgpQBF
— TriMet (@trimet) July 30, 2014
"Trimet is turning into an evil agency"-Lars Larson
I still can't figure out why the Vancouver officials signed this contract.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Classic Tweets-2
Another #brokedick day on #TriMet. The regional transit agency that works, in the city that works. #selfparody
— The Chairman Jeff (@JeffBull5) July 30, 2014
Classic Tweets
@mattg @trimetscanner This is why we cancelled overnight service. If we didn't, we'd never get back on schedule.
— Fake TriMet (@FakeTriMet) July 30, 2014
TRIMET park and ride blows up
Witnesses reported explosions and one car engulfed in flames about 2:15 p.m. near Southwest Pacific Highway and 74th Avenue, said Alisa Cour, a Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue spokeswoman.
A man was found injured in the area and was taken to the Oregon Burn Center at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center for treatment, according to Cour. Two vehicles were destroyed and three others had fire-related damages.
No one else was injured. The cause of the fire is under by Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue, according to Sgt. Tom Duncan, a Tigard police spokesman. Investigators are still trying to determine if the source of the blaze was suspicious, he said.
The injured man's condition and identity have not been released.
-- Everton Bailey Jr. Tigard car fire damages 5 vehicles, burns man in TriMet park-and-ride lot | OregonLive.com
Trimet many want to invest in "blade runners"
The Blade Runner, a bus that's at home on the rails and the road | DVICE
Trimet just can't be truthful.....EVER
TriMet said riders should expect the work to add 10 to 15 minutes to their commutes.
MAX riders will be able to take shuttle buses running between stations. Also, shuttles will run between the Interstate Rose Quarter and Lloyd Center MAX stations for Green Line riders going to or from downtown Portland.
Obviously adding a half hour onto your trip planning would be the wise thing to do. Trimet is unable to be truthful about anything, ever.
TriMet track repairs will disrupt Northeast Portland MAX, bus service in August | OregonLive.com
Monday, July 28, 2014
Trimet trying to figure out what makes a good bus drivers seat
Trimet covers up windows at Center St
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Trimet killing its retirees
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Friday, July 25, 2014
Max riders to endure 4 days of hell

Monday, August 11-15, crews will replace a MAX track switch located in the intersection of NE 11th Avenue and Holladay Street. MAX will not run between Rose Quarter/Convention Center and Lloyd Center/NE 11th Ave MAX stations.
TriMet: Lloyd District MAX and Bus Service Disruption
The pure stupidity of street cars
The original sin of every bad streetcar program is this: it doesn't have a dedicated lane.
Without a dedicated lane, a streetcar can't really run much faster than a bus under ideal conditions. And since unlike a bus, a streetcar can't shift out of its lane to avoid an obstacle, in real-world circumstances it's likely to move slower than a bus. There are some objectives related to real estate development and tourism that this kind of project can serve, but they're nearly useless in terms of transportation.
Why in the world did they rip up all the seats at the Sunset TC?
More useless Light Rail propaganda
Why would anybody care about this? |
Look at this ridiculous story about a 'pedestrian crossing' as if that is something that is worthy of any news coverage at all.
Propaganda sourec here
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Debunking Portland
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Same shit different year
DailyNews Online Edition - Unions oppose cut in retirement payouts