A private collection of material focusing on the never ending joys of the Trimet industrial complex-Follow the Twitter feed for complete coverage and trimet scanner calls https://twitter.com/AlYourPalster
Sunday, November 30, 2014
TriMet removes another bus shelter
Another TriMet bus shelter, this time located on the property of TriMet's #1 transit generator (Portland State University), served by three bus lines, including one Frequent Service bus line (12-Barbur/Sandy) and one regular service line (44 Capitol Highway), plus the 1-Vermont...
For all you TriMet apologists...please list your excuse as to why this bus shelter (there actually was once TWO shelters here!) was removed...
Friday, November 28, 2014
Phil Stanford on the "the city that works"
The only question, of course, is: For whom?
When you get right down to it, just who do all these expensive light-rail lines, aerial trams, high-rise condo developments and proposed convention-center hotels really benefit?
Why do people like Mcfarlane get such absurd pensions and salaries
Trimet still in dark ages when it comes to social media
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Not as 'great' as they would have you believe |
Trimet has always been scared of public involvement. They've done their best to ignore all negative public comments. They have attempted to corral all the riders into their own little barn, called the 'riders club' in order to use their massive propaganda machine to bend their minds towards the Trimet cult (I'm not kidding about this)
In other cities the transit districts are not so paranoid of their riders. Boston comes to mind, and now we see that the CTA isn't afraid of engaging riders in a forum that they can't control.
Trimet brags about their technological advances, like transit tracker and cell phone applications.
When it comes to social media Trimet lags way behind.
It's interesting because Portland has one of the most active community of twitter transit tweeters in the country.
Trimet is obviously scared to actively engage the twitter activists. So much about Trimet is built on myth, and they greedily do everything in their power to keep that myth alive.
Running after buses that have already left the stop is risky business
By sheer bad luck the fall takes them under the rear wheels.
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on November 27, 2014 at 4:16 PM, updated November 27, 2014 at 6:41 PM
Police identified the victim as 60-year-old Elias French, who reportedly slipped under the bus' back wheels just as it was about to pull away from a stop just north of Clackamas Town Center on 82nd Avenue at Causey Way.
Officers at the scene learned French had been pushing a bicycle and began banging on the side of the bus. The driver began pulling away, and French fell to the ground and was crushed by the bus' rear wheels.
The driver, 46-year-old Jason Wilhelm, has been put on administrative leave while the OSP investigates the incident, Trimet spokeswoman Roberta Altstadt said. He will also receive mental health counseling.
"This was a devastating incident not only for the loved ones of the person who died but also for the operator," Altstadt said. "The operate was very upset and emotional last night, so obviously he would not be driving today."
Troopers have been interviewing passengers and others who were behind the bus at the time. The incident is still under investigation.
-- Ian K. Kullgren Police identify victim in fatal TriMet bus accident near Clackamas Town Center | OregonLive.com
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Oh Brother!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Watch as the sock puppets give Neil Mcfarlane unending praise and a raise
Classic Tweets
#TriMet poo bus. You know they will poo on you to get what they want. Ask their employees/retirees. #Thanksgiving pic.twitter.com/hdFVUzwHxs
— Daily Cyclist (@DailyCyclist) November 26, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
With contract negotiations only 10 days away, Tri-Met and its union are once again growling at each other, this time over driver sign-ups for bus routes for the fall.
The union says it is rejecting the fall sign-up because of many contractual violations by Tri-Met and union concerns for operator and passenger safety.
Monday, November 24, 2014
What Trimet bus drivers put up with
yesterday, #trimet rider was threatening others and beating bus windows http://t.co/kOgrIFhe5e http://t.co/o816b2Oala http://t.co/yoI6DhIWHb
— TriMet Scanner (@trimetscanner) November 25, 2014
Sock Puppets meetings are now available at TrimetTV
If you can bear watching this silly staged show of the Trimet cheerleader squad you can click the links below
Confusion on Trimet employees who have double coverage
Two years ago, it didn't take much to draw fighting words out of transit union leader Ron Heintzman.
During one dispute with Tri-Met General Manager Tom Walsh over pension benefits for widows of retired union members, Heintzman ordered picket signs with the slogan ``Walsh Welches on Widows.'' The squabble was settled without picketing, but Heintzman kept the sign in his office as a trophy of the union's tough negotiating style.
For his part, Walsh at one point openly admitted to the Tri-Met board that he simply didn't know how to get along with the union, which represents about 1,800 drivers and other employees.
The light rail con
Public Transit Is Going Extinct, But Toy Trains Still Snooker Cities
But are light rails and trolleys what we need to rebuild world-class American cities? The easy-going liberals of Portland relish that their city is consistently hailed as having a “world-class” transit system, complete with buses, light rail, and streetcars. Portland sent its first “sleek and modern Portland Streetcar“ on a maiden voyage in 2001. Fans of the streetcar have declared the city’s light-rail system, “MAX Light Rail,” as (of course) world-class.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
A bitter feud within the union that represents Tri-Met bus drivers and rail operators has spilled out of the union hall with a lawsuit filed by the top three officials against two members.
Amalgamated Transit Union Division 757 officials, including president Ronald Heintzman, business representative Rufus Fuller and secretary-treasurer Thomas Wallace, have accused two Tri-Met drivers of defamation and libel in a lawsuit filed last week in Multnomah County Circuit Court.
The drivers, Samuel F. Schwarz of Portland and Gerald "Red" Worland of Milwaukie, have written open letters to union members and their employers harshly criticizing the union leaders' spending practices, financial accounting and contract negotiating abilities. They also accuse Heintzman of making derogatory comments about union members. Worland also raises questions about possible ballot tampering in a close union vote on a new contract.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
C-Tran/Trimet contract
A surprise motion by Clark County Commissioner David Madore prompted a rare public discussion at this week’s meeting, while board members awkwardly straddled the line between what to keep confidential and what to talk about openly.
Immediately after another executive session on the subject Tuesday, Vancouver Mayor and C-Tran board chair Tim Leavitt started to wrap up the meeting, seemingly expecting no further debate.
He began, “No formal action from the C-Tran board regarding the TriMet operations and maintenance of light rail contract, so we’ll–”
“Excuse me, Mr. Chairman?” Madore jumped in. “I would like to make a motion.”
Leavitt, with a less-than-pleased look on his face, yielded the floor to Madore. The Republican commissioner moved that C-Tran send a letter to TriMet stating that C-Tran considers the agreement “null and void.” Washougal City Councilor Connie Jo Freeman offered a second.
Some background: C-Tran earlier this year sent a letter to TriMet asking that the two agencies jointly terminate the contract tied to the failed Columbia River Crossing project. Last week, TriMet responded by flatly denying that request.
Madore’s motion would have upped the ante, and possibly resulted in a legal dispute between the two transit agencies.
Vancouver City Councilor Jack Burkman said he would oppose the motion, but wouldn’t comment further to avoid disclosing what was discussed in executive session. Madore said his motion was a “decisive action” not connected with that discussion.
The motion ultimately failed by a 5-3 vote. That’s when things got interesting.
“Didn’t we just agree to send a letter?” Freeman asked, apparently referring to the executive session. “So is this going to undo that?”
“What did you just say?” said Vancouver City Councilor Bart Hansen, looking toward Freeman.
“Nothing,” Madore responded.
“Didn’t you just say something?” Hansen said.
“In this motion,” Madore said.
“Be careful what you say,” said Hansen, still looking toward Freeman. “I’m saying that politely. I’m not trying to be — just be very careful what you say. You don’t want to put yourself in a position where you disclose what happened in executive session.”
In Oregon, state law allows reporters to attend executive sessions. Sometimes I wish Washington would follow suit.
C-Tran board publicly, awkwardly discusses light rail deal - All Politics is Local
Friday, November 21, 2014
Latest "Best of the Trimet tweets"
The wonderful Trimet cell phone app gives plenty of heartache to Trimet riders |
Trimet scheduling department really needs a shake up
Everything for Mcfarlane-nothing for the drivers
Meeting with Bruce Hansen-ATU President
That says a lot about the character of the man.
ATU757 has taken two consecutive hits in these contract negotiations, a 'fair' arbitrator would most likely take that into account.
By entering into an agreement now rather that fighting it till the bitter end saves the union and its members (currently working at Trimet) heartache on multiple fronts beyond the health care component.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
The Trimet Board of Directors
They are accountable to nobody but the governor and the governor is one of the leaders of the Portland Light rail Mafia.
No matter how much public outcry may occur they can ignore all of it.
The public is not important.
They gave away the store to Fred Hansen and now Neil Mcfarlane.
Until such time as control of Trimet is wrestled from the governor nothing will change.
Trimet ridership up- thanks to bus (again)
The Mcfarlane money story keeps going and going
What a freaking joke Trimet governance is.
Like I said at the meeting, the only thing that phony board cares about is the executive class of the management. Everything else is expendable.
This is not unusual by the way, transit executives are getting rich at multiple agencies in the country.
American public transit is a train wreck but that doesn't stop the people at the top from stuffing their pockets.
When the TriMet board of directors voted unanimously Wednesday to sweeten General Manager Neil McFarlane's paycheck, it approved a two-piece package that will contribute to one of the most generous retirement deals in the transit agency's history.
First, there was the 3.4 percent pay increase -- the 62-year-old transit leader's second in two years -- boosting his annual salary to $229,000. On top of that, the board awarded McFarlane two more weeks of vacation during the life of the new two-year contract.
Why does a transit executive who already receives nine weeks of vacation a year need an extra 80 hours?
At TriMet, the general manager is not eligible for annual bonuses. However, in a system where McFarlane is allowed to stash and cash out up to 1,500 hours of unused vacation at retirement, paid time off can wind up being a bonus by another name.
In fact, McFarlane, who worked at the transit agency for 19 years before becoming general manager in 2010, has already saved up 889 hours – or 20 weeks -- of unused vacation. That would amount to a lump-sum pay out of $97,179 on the day he retires.
Valued at $8,800, the contract's extra two weeks of vacation will be added to McFarlane's vacation bank. "The intent is to see him take some time off," said Bruce Warner, the TriMet board president. "But it's his to use however he wants to use it."
Read the entire story: TriMet GM's 'vacation bank' guarantees big retirement pay out on top of $12,800 monthly pension | OregonLive.com
That Trimet board can't be honest about anything
#TRIMET can't even b honest about Mcfarlane's raise. He got the raise for breaking the union.
— AL M (@AlYourPalster) November 20, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Classic Tweets
"TriMet union benefits are too high"-says the GM making $290k/yr with 11 wks vacation & expected pension of $17k/mo. Who's the REAL problem?
— MAX FAQs (@maxfaqs) November 19, 2014
Appearance at the Trimet board of directors
We all know that speaking to the Trimet board is about as productive as speaking to the wall in your house. It absolutely means nothing to these people. Doesn't change anything and testimony is completely disregarded as soon as you end your presentation.
I think I qualify as the most hated employee in Trimet history.
Sorry about that, I'm a product of the Trimet culture
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
General Managers and construction contractors get what ever they want
Has there ever been a #trimet contract that did not exceed the original bid? pic.twitter.com/jsq8UNV50q
— AL M (@AlYourPalster) November 19, 2014
Mcfarlane keeps getting richer and richer
Mcfarlane has abrogated years of commitments to his employees/retirees stealing away the health care that the retirees were promised.
He has sent Nazi type fare inspectors into his light rail to intimidate riders.
He got rid of the fareless square He toyed with Opal
And he raised fares for riders making Trimet one of the most expensive public transit systems in the country
So Mcfarlane gets richer on the backs of his employees and the public..
Trimet reliability has gone down the tubes since Neil became General manager
In my opinion he is the worst general manager in Trimet history.
My opinon means nothing to the trimet oligarchs. And the opinion of the public is of no conern to these people.
Satisfaction ratings of Trimet shows a steep decline. What do these sock puppets do? They give him another "retroactive' raise.
What a joke that Trimet board is, completely useless
Welcome to the new Amerika!
Monday, November 17, 2014
October's weird TriMet service alerts
And yes, I'm weeks late in posting these.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Another Trimet bus driver assault
#trimet Line 4 operator was spit on by rider who was asked to leave
— TriMet Scanner (@trimetscanner) November 15, 2014
"Crime Train" news
Her attacker is still on the run, according to police.
Police say it happened just after 5 p.m. on board the blue line MAX train. A Trimet driver reportedly called for help as the train pulled into the Gateway Transit Center, but it's believed the girl was stabbed around 162nd Avenue.
Police say the suspect, a black man possibly in his teens, jumped off the MAX at the 162nd Avenue stop, and was with a Hispanic woman at the time. It's not known if the teenage victim knew her attacker.
Police have not said where the girl was stabbed, but say she was rushed to the hospital. Her injuries are said to be non life-threatening.
“It's absurd, it's crazy, this shouldn't be happening. The MAX should be safe,” passenger Alan Monteverdi said.
“Getting stabbed on the MAX? I mean someone's gotta be real crazy for doing that,” passenger Frank Lrenz said. “And they still haven't found him, that's pretty bad."
Trimet says they have cameras positioned on board their MAX trains. Investigators say they will be able to view those tapes and get a better sense of what happened, and a more detailed description of the suspect.
If you know anything about what happened, Portland Police want to hear from you right away.
Girl, 16, stabbed on board MAX train during evening commute - KPTV - FOX 12
Friday, November 14, 2014
Interview with Jeff Ackerson about the latest contract
TriMet’s Service Guidelines document
— TriMet Scanner (@trimetscanner) November 15, 2014
Photo by Lane Jensen |
Trimet chain fiasco-'snowvember'
Trimet coughs up the $$$$$
Like don't steal money from employees? |
Trimet cheapskates actually paid postage
Trimet Blue Cross options costs compared
Its my understanding that 1/2 the union employees already choose Kaiser.
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Thursday, November 13, 2014
Trimet customers take to twitter to rage over the latest fail
Then in the afternoon there was some minor freezing rain but it was enough to paralyze the max service surprisingly in the tunnel of all places!