
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Trimet bus scanner January 19


No calls from 1500-2000 thanks to Sergi and Hobo no Mount Scott calls from 1300-2400 also thanks to Sergi+Hobo

408 scooter in road

2042 killed them all told him  to get in ditch ☠️⚰️

7668 killed them all ☠️ So did the KTA dispatcher ⚰️

5534 She fell asleep and didn’t pay ☠️

5370 reports drunk driver

406 I can’t get her to understand that she can’t ride the bus round and round

4402 kill them all ☠️ Description wrong

1709 gave him the 🥾 KTA follower shouldn’t kill them all

2076 loud verbal with other customers walking in the bus closing windows 

669 torture I’m 20 down

7669 didn’t pay and has a cough  KTA ☠️

7513 more teenagers messing around

1235 teenagers say fuck you 

Victor scanner star 💫 told to leave woman in ditch

1901 fuck the fares

7008 🔥

5469 sticky floor  JUST DRIVE

Man in ditch  🇺🇸  ⚰️

No fare no mask kill them all☠️

1272 people are coming up the on ramp

870 someone on the ledge of steel bridge

2036 involved

6269 she yelled at me  🥾

61 blocking 54

7501 man is accusing me of stealing his gloves

I’ve never driven the 24 and I’m lost

1801 lost

The filter is plugged up and my feet are freezing

1234 worried about getting ticket

7107 torture

Man with Walker won’t listen “his stuff is rolling around all over the place”😂😂  he’s ok now



The GO AHEAD has no pressure 

7234 parking brake comes off torture.

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