16/02 FALL rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
6/73 woman took a shit in her pants rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
9/35 "he painted my windshield red" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
15/04 "lady is having a panic attack"
71/05 🅼🆂🅺🆂 rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
57/74-LV- FARES "called me a criminal"
rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9 🅺🆃
76/72-LV-"told me I was a f'n bitch"
6/02-BACKGROUND- he's gone rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9 "ranting and raving"
6/73 "threw his mask at me and kicked the door"
The buses are junk-the trains are junk rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9 72/46 "she's hitting the bus with her bag" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9 Banned to the ditch per trimet KTA policy 8/69 don't hit that tire! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
20/71 ANOTHER busted shelter rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9 59/67 encounters "geniuses" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9 70/01 "dagger over a foot long" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9 76/67 #TheDisposed rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9 20/72 #TheDisposed rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
20/34-🆂🆃-TriMet rips off another one-not one reasonable explanation for this to keep happening but a totally INCOMPETENT OBLIVIOUS MANAGENT
66/03- #TheDisposed rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9 drive 20/72 #TheDisposed rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9 14/06-drive rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9 57/70-LV-its broken up rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9 (bynon sounds like he's ready to retire from this shit)
PROBABLY NOT HIM----5470 The Guy fit the description. PRTT if we see WM suspect wanted by WCS. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
668 Loud&Verbal Banging bus windows & spitting. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
7513 No Relief rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
868 Requesting an ambulance. She’s INTHEDITCH experiencing homelessness. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
868 9-11 sending paramedics rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
7235 Priority! I got hit from behind pretty hard. Hit & Run. Bus was stopped with the ramp out. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
7673 Loud&Verbal rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
7673 Loud&Verbal Ditch acceptance! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
2042 Loud&Verbal Good Background! He threw a bottle. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
7239 Press down on the button to speak! Damn Doors! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
2042 Description of Loud&Verbal! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
THREW SANITZER---2043 Loud&Verbal Description! Are they on your bus? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
1802 Mirror taken out & bus turned off. NPA! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
9115 Accident Synopsis rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
Scanner Star Mike rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
7513 Help with station agent communication rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
468 Monitor is out at Lombard outbound. It’s been out for a week. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
1235 Customer Conduct rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
THREW SANITIZER AT BARRIER WINDOW----2435 Customer Conduct rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS----674 Fire on the sidewalk rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
WHY CAN'T MIKE JUST MIND HIS OWN BUSNESS---Scanner Star Mike rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
HAHAHAHAHA-----7512 Customer Conduct He tapped on the cad. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
7434 Priority! Insane day! My tire blew off & flew off the wheel. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
806 Lady in a wheelchair insisting I push her on the bus. It’s not her chair. She needs to get on her own power. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
1234 Sandy Blvd Video rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
9120 Loud&Verbal Good Background! Road sup thinks they need medical. Mentally disposed INTHEDITCH. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
SHE'S THE ONLY ONE ON THE BUS---DRIVE---7006 Loud&Verbal Good Background! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
5772 Curtailment! Fill out ACID! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
5772 Forrest Grove police threw disposed lady on the bus. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
DOG POOP---Scanner Star Mike rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
7236 Dumping shampoo all over the floor & wont get off. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
9109 Walking up to 7236 rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
9109 The Guy got off. No police needed. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
234 Aggressive Sleeper & he’s yelling. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
234 Ditch acceptance! Good to roll. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
1512 9-11 received a complaint that you have an alarm going off. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/2/9
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