
Friday, February 18, 2011


I was asked by one of my confidants if I would consider removing references to Ellen Fox from my blog?

I responded:
“What? Are you on drugs? Why would I do that? This is a woman who has been in court with me twice and maintains a slander blog about me! I have no intention of removing any information about Ellen from my blog. When she gets rid of her blog and stops harassing me I will stop referencing her on my blog.”

My history with ELLEN FOX IS HERE!

For the record, I would be happy to remove all the material about Ellen Fox that I can find and never mention her again, if 
she removes her slander blog about me and stops making up stories about me! 


Anonymous said...

Why? I dunno Al - to get on with the more positive aspects of your life?

If you ignore the woman, what do you fear would happen?

Too many battles going on in your life, my friend. Time to let a few of the less signficant ones go, maybe?

Al M said...

Worth considering Jeff.