
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

TriMet Throws Bus Replacement Funding Under the Bus


Max said...

Knowing John Charles / Cascade Policy institute, he would also be opposing the use of those funds for *anything* related to transit.

Nedwell said...

So, reading the C.P. Inst's statement I'm gathering that TriMet is asking for six year's worth of state grant money (@$2.1M/yr) in one lump sum for Milwaukie Light Rail?

$13M would buy TriMet 30-some new buses. This used to be roughly the number of buses TriMet was telling the drivers a few years ago that it planned to buy each year so that the fleet was incrementally updated.
This concept was to avoid exactly the situation the fleet is in now, where at least a hundred new buses are needed to just replace the very oldest coaches.