A private collection of material focusing on the never ending joys of the Trimet industrial complex-Follow the Twitter feed for complete coverage and trimet scanner calls
So much of this presentation is pure public record construction so that future outraged plaintiffs will be directed to this mind-numbing mass of slides, packets and bullet points as proof positive that Trimet "did something" about safety. Done on the advice of Trimet legal counsel. Whether the drivers see anything other than an annual safety training and check ride session, well...
And that's exactly why this guy gets $155k annually.
Looks like a bureaucrat,sounds like a bureaucrat, it must be a bureaucrat!
So much of this presentation is pure public record construction so that future outraged plaintiffs will be directed to this mind-numbing mass of slides, packets and bullet points as proof positive that Trimet "did something" about safety. Done on the advice of Trimet legal counsel. Whether the drivers see anything other than an annual safety training and check ride session, well...
And that's exactly why this guy gets $155k annually.
"Sandy, don't make that left turn onto Broadway! Bad things are going to happen!"
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