I just learned from the minutes of a recent SMILE meeting published in THE BEE that Tri-Met does NOT plan to resume the bus route which previously served the Tacoma Street centric part of Sellwood and Westmoreland when the new Sellwood Bridge is completed.
This decision is shortsighted and damaging to our neighborhood. A major part of the debate over the bridge design had to do with ensuring wide enough lanes for bus access —not to mention the issue of a possible streetcar! I strongly supported the new bridge planning because I have greatly missed the trans-Sellwood-Bridge route, which was discontinued when the old bridge was declared unsafe for buses, firetrucks, and semi's.
The discontinued route, I believe the old number 12, was THE most direct route, with the least amount of walking and NO transfers, for south Sellwood/Moreland residents wanting to reach the following destinations: The OHSU wellness center and clinics, John’s Landing businesses, PSU classes and special events, the Portland Saturday Market in the South Park Blocks, and downtown shopping and cultural attractions.
The existing Route 70 requires transfers (and far more walking for some, due to its alternating 13th and 17th street routes), and its frequency is far less than that of Route 19, which is an 8-block-walk from the Tacoma Street area.
Tri-Met’s decision to drop this route needs to be challenged in the strongest possible terms. It is a slap in the face to many residents who devoted hours at bridge design input meetings to ensure that mass transit would have a CENTRAL role in the rebuilt bridge. Tri-Met needs to understand that the loss of this route is especially damaging to PSU students carrying a backpack full of books, seniors (as well as employees) who wish to get to the OHSU wellness center/clinics quickly, and shoppers visiting Portland’s largest farmers' market or downtown stores, who often come home laden with packages.
Nancy Beamer, via e-mail
The discontinued route, I believe the old number 12, was THE most direct route, with the least amount of walking and NO transfers, for south Sellwood/Moreland residents wanting to reach the following destinations: The OHSU wellness center and clinics, John’s Landing businesses, PSU classes and special events, the Portland Saturday Market in the South Park Blocks, and downtown shopping and cultural attractions.
Uh, that'd be route 40-Tacoma, not 12-Barbur/Sandy...
I moved a few years ago to the Sellwood/West Moreland area. Really enjoy the neighborhood and ride public transportation. I have often wondered why there was not a trimet line that goes east and west on tacoma as I figured that would be an very busy bus line connecting people from ardenwald area all the way over to the west side. Upon mentioning it to several locals I had heard that the line was stopped (like the former man mentioned) was stopped when the bridge was deemed unsafe. So when i heard th ey were building a new bridge I was very excited as I thought now i can get to over to the west side without having to go all the way out and around and two to three transfers. I recently heard that they were not going to resume the trimet line. This is VERY unfortunate. Research should be done. It most definelty would be a very well used line put right into frequent. The amount of traffic via car that goes over the bridge alone. I urge Trimet to do there research and have a meeting to discuss the possibility of this line re opening. It would be very beneficial to the neighborhood. Please.
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