A private collection of material focusing on the never ending joys of the Trimet industrial complex-Follow the Twitter feed for complete coverage and trimet scanner calls https://twitter.com/AlYourPalster
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Railfanning last weekend with the Southern Pacific 4449
Six hours, no kids or wife, just me, two cameras, and a lot of trains. The Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge is my zen place.
Streetcar fail
Taken over the course of two minutes this morning as I walked to work. The garbage truck was serving the hotel and the garbage man had to park the truck, walk to the sub-grade parking level, push the garbage can to the street, dump it, and then replace the garbage can. The streetcar just had to wait...and wait...and wait.
My favorite comments about the "art" (from Bojack)
Looks like something a committee of bureaucrats would come up with.
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | June 30, 2011 8:15 AM
Remember the Simpsons monorail episode?
Posted by Robert Collins | June 30, 2011 8:19 AM
Hopefully it will be vandalized early and often. What an ugly piece of...
Posted by Dave A. | June 30, 2011 8:24 AM
My art suggestion...a very large toilet with thousand dollar bills being flushed down the drain.
Posted by Evergreen Libertarian | June 30, 2011 8:44 AM
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | June 30, 2011 8:15 AM
Remember the Simpsons monorail episode?
Posted by Robert Collins | June 30, 2011 8:19 AM
Hopefully it will be vandalized early and often. What an ugly piece of...
Posted by Dave A. | June 30, 2011 8:24 AM
My art suggestion...a very large toilet with thousand dollar bills being flushed down the drain.
Posted by Evergreen Libertarian | June 30, 2011 8:44 AM
Jack Bogdanki weighs in on the "art" for PMLR.
Tri-Met has come up with the perfect art work for one of the stations for the Mystery Train to Milwaukie. I kid you not,
If the $1.5 billion* of public money that's being blown on the new MAX line doesn't give you nightmares, that thing surely will.
* - Preliminary liars' budget. The bridge design isn't anywhere close to finished, and the funding is still sketchy, but the Tri-Met crew is rushing ahead with construction, before the public can come to its senses. This is how things go very, very wrong.
Read more: http://bojack.org/#ixzz1QngbJ8QS
If the $1.5 billion* of public money that's being blown on the new MAX line doesn't give you nightmares, that thing surely will.
* - Preliminary liars' budget. The bridge design isn't anywhere close to finished, and the funding is still sketchy, but the Tri-Met crew is rushing ahead with construction, before the public can come to its senses. This is how things go very, very wrong.
Read more: http://bojack.org/#ixzz1QngbJ8QS
New Trimet TV episode
But not a Trimet production!
YouTube - Stay Alert, Stay Alive. Be Safe Around Buses and Trains.
YouTube - Stay Alert, Stay Alive. Be Safe Around Buses and Trains.
Uh Oh, Seattle Metro Drivers under attack now
Two problems are special to Metro. One is bus-driver pay. It can be defended by pointing to the 2010 contract, which has minimal raises. But under the previous contracts, between 2000 and 2009, bus-driver pay rose 38.5 percent, to the third-highest figure of any big-city bus operation in the country.
Metro now feels the consequences of the contracts it has signed.
Editorials | King County Metro needs overhaul, not a tax to cover past unsustainable decisions | Seattle Times Newspaper
Metro now feels the consequences of the contracts it has signed.
Editorials | King County Metro needs overhaul, not a tax to cover past unsustainable decisions | Seattle Times Newspaper
Now here is something that has a very familiar sound to it
Everyone who has ventured down into the subway is by now too well aware of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's self-promotional "Improving, Nonstop" advertising campaign.
Look, there! It's a placard boasting about how the MTA has adopted the revolutionary approach of fixing things when they've been broken.
And next to that, wow! It's a placard about the countdown clocks you just saw on the platform.
Look, there! It's a placard boasting about how the MTA has adopted the revolutionary approach of fixing things when they've been broken.
And next to that, wow! It's a placard about the countdown clocks you just saw on the platform.
(Nope Portland and Trimet are not on the list)
(Nope Portland and Trimet are not on the list)
There was a pot of money that was raised for the case of Ron Heinzman vs ATU International.
What happened to that money?
Is it still there?
If it is still there what will be done with it?
Meanwhile, in Greece
"They are selling out our country from under us," said Demetrios Stamatiou who has camped out in the square since protests began last month transforming it into a shanty town collective. "It's a very dark day in the history of Greece - we have been betrayed by our own politicians."
Riots herald a 'dark day' in Greek history as MPs vote through austerity cuts - Telegraph
YouTube - Athens on Fire: Video of night clashes, Greek capital smoked
Riots herald a 'dark day' in Greek history as MPs vote through austerity cuts - Telegraph
YouTube - Athens on Fire: Video of night clashes, Greek capital smoked
Chris Smith wants to know: What's Up with the FTA and PMLR?
The FTA released their latest round of New Starts funding, and Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail was not on the list.
According to some sources, $200M was anticipated.
We've queried TriMet to get their take on this.
According to some sources, $200M was anticipated.
We've queried TriMet to get their take on this.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Operator A hears an over the air communication between a Trimet dispatcher and a Trimet bus driver, operator C.
The communication is very interesting so operator A decides to post this communication for others to hear.
Any member of the public can listen/record and publish this sort of thing.
Operator A does not identify operator C, nor does operator A even know the identity of operator C.
Operator C is embarrassed so operator C goes to management and asks if they would approach operator A and remove the posting.
Operator A has never once ignored a request from the management so the post is removed.
Trimet management decides to discipline operator A in any event.
Operator D publishes operator A address, image, employee number and consciously conducts a libelous campaign against operator A. This campaign goes on for years.
Other operators avoid operator A because of operator D libelous campaign.
Operator A informs the Trimet management that operator D is causing him emotional distress.
Trimet management does nothing.
The question is, why is operator A disciplined but operator D allowed to continue?
Is this supposed to be a joke?
This is some of the art that will be going in with the new light rail.
If you don't believe me go to this link HERE!
Trimet golfers!
Stone Creek Golf Tournament August 6th at 1:30pm
Look for flyers in your garage or Yard for more details
The more pain inflicted on average people the higher stock prices go!
We are indeed living inside a Fellini movie and the world has indeed gone mad.
YouTube - Athens Riot Madness: Video of explosions, tear gas in Greece
YouTube - Till debt do us part: Kofinas LIVE from rioting revolting Athens
YouTube - Greek leader 'dead man walking', Greek bailout 'collective punishment'
YouTube - Greece Barricades: 'We don't owe! We don't sell! We don't pay!'
Greece anti-austerity protest turns violent - Press TV News
Greek Parliament Approves $40B Bailout; Some Economists Predict Vote Will Worsen the Recession
Inside Greek’s General Strike: Video Report From Athens As Thousands Protest Sweeping Austerity Cuts
YouTube - Till debt do us part: Kofinas LIVE from rioting revolting Athens
YouTube - Greek leader 'dead man walking', Greek bailout 'collective punishment'
YouTube - Greece Barricades: 'We don't owe! We don't sell! We don't pay!'
Greece anti-austerity protest turns violent - Press TV News
Greek Parliament Approves $40B Bailout; Some Economists Predict Vote Will Worsen the Recession
Inside Greek’s General Strike: Video Report From Athens As Thousands Protest Sweeping Austerity Cuts
US lags on BRT
When it's done properly, bus rapid transit -- known as BRT -- ranks among the cheapest and quickest ways to cut CO2 emissions from transportation.
U.S. Lags Behind China, Colombia in Bus Rapid Transit - NYTimes.com
U.S. Lags Behind China, Colombia in Bus Rapid Transit - NYTimes.com
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
While the American labor movement is impotent and paralyzed the Greek unions join in real protest
Greek Police Fire Tear Gas as Strike Overshadows Budget Vote - Bloomberg
Thousands of Greek demonstrators have begun gathering in front of the parliament in Athens at the start of a 48-hour general strike. Union leaders called for the strike to protest against deep budget cuts demanded by international lenders as the price for more financial aid.
Thousands of Greek demonstrators have begun gathering in front of the parliament in Athens at the start of a 48-hour general strike. Union leaders called for the strike to protest against deep budget cuts demanded by international lenders as the price for more financial aid.
All Work and No Pay
Except what's good for American business isn't necessarily good for Americans. We're not just working smarter, but harder. And harder. And harder, to the point where the driver is no longer American industriousness, but something much more predatory.
First zoo bus-thanks Mark Dillon
Saw your 6/27 link to old Trimet bus wraps. Beginning in the early 80's, I worked at the Zoo. The very first Trimet art wrap bus I ever saw was this Flxible New Look bus in Zoo/OMSI/Forestry Center graphics. It was painted directly on the bus skin. At that time, Trimet only used this bus on the old #63 run to the Zoo. After a decade, it was replaced by the one pictured on the "Rantings Of People..." blog.
Monday, June 27, 2011
How to properly reduce transit expenses
Notice how they have clearly delineated the cuts.
Chicago Transit Authority cuts managers, trims $15 mil. | Transportation | Crain's Chicago Business
Chicago Transit Authority cuts managers, trims $15 mil. | Transportation | Crain's Chicago Business
Another rail operator gets cancer
Reliable sources have informed us that another light rail operator has come down with stomach cancer. One has to wonder where all these cases of stomach cancer are coming from? The job maybe?
Using our tax money for everything except US citizens
In news from Africa, the Pentagon is planning to send nearly $45 million in military equipment, including four small drones, to Uganda and Burundi as part of the U.S. effort to battle Islamic militants in Somalia. The military package includes four small, shoulder-launched Raven drones, body armor, night-vision gear, communications and heavy construction equipment, generators and surveillance systems. The U.S. military is also sending aid to a number of other African nations including Mauritania, Djibouti, Kenya and Mali.
Kinda blew it huh?
Some Line 44 stops are closed in North Portland 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. today due to Sunday Parkways. trimet.org/a-tweet by trimet/responses follow:
Man killed by MAX train at East Burnside and 122nd Avenue in Portland 'a clear suicide,' investigators say
Man killed by MAX train at East Burnside and 122nd Avenue in Portland 'a clear suicide,' investigators say | OregonLive.com
Ore. transit train death believed to be suicide - Times Union
MaxRedline: Don't Go Losing Your Head
Pedestrian struck and killed by MAX train | kgw.com Portland
Ore. transit train death believed to be suicide - Times Union
MaxRedline: Don't Go Losing Your Head
Pedestrian struck and killed by MAX train | kgw.com Portland
Suspended Agitation
They'll love him in all those peculiar little countries where people wear hats that look like rat-traps and flavor their beer with the cocoons of nectar-sipping moths. They'll enjoy it when he forecloses on them, and maybe even ask for more. "Here, take our grandchildren's baby teeth, too!" I wish him and his beautiful family well in their new life as distinguished private citizens-of-the-world. I just hope Michele Bachmann and her probable running mate, Jesus, don't steal the next election. They'll rip out the Obamas' vegetable garden and put a Nascar track there so that all of Ms. Bachmann's 27 children can have jobs selling miniature bibles in the parking lot. ("Prayed over by qualified preachers twenty-four hours a day!")
Clusterfuck Nation
Clusterfuck Nation
Holy shit!
The train was pulling into the station when it struck the man, who reportedly fell under the train and was decapitated.
MAX train kills pedestrian at East Burnside and 122nd Avenue in Portland | OregonLive.com
MAX train kills pedestrian at East Burnside and 122nd Avenue in Portland | OregonLive.com
Uh Oh!
According to Joe Rose, the person hit was not a pedestrian but someone standing too close to the train on the strip. And the man has been killed.
Meanwhile, there is no money for ANYTHING, but we get THIS:
TriMet begins work on first new Willamette bridge in 40 years
(The total insanity of our world is right before our eyes, yet what can be done?)
(The total insanity of our world is right before our eyes, yet what can be done?)
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Transit bus driver arrested after fight
BALTIMORE -- The Maryland Transit Administration is investigating an assault on an MTA bus that ended with a passenger being stabbed and an operator taken into custody.
drivers talk about life on the job
But they told me that, in New York, if a passenger wants to file a complaint against a transit operator, he or she is charged a fee; the fee is refundable if the complaint is valid.
Good idea.I asked them about food and drink, because a streetcar is a pigsty by day’s end, and also because a woman once spilled hot tea down my back, and I remember her every time I’m in the aisle seat and the person standing over me is drinking something over my head. They agreed that food on transit wrong. They also figure that bus has left the station.
Fiorito: Let’s show the TTC a little tenderness - thestar.com
Remember when they decided to change our uniforms? The management got really mean about this (not surprising of course) and there were multiple examples of things that "may" be OK to wear, but then again "may not" be OK to wear. In this little sequence I try to figure out what I can wear without getting written up.
The shirts
The pants
The other stuff
The shirts
The pants
The other stuff
Common Man News Reports
Common Man News: America, land of the free to go hungry
Common Man News: hy is there a Media Blackout on Nuclear Incident at Fort Calhoun in Nebraska?
Common Man News: Why Are Food Prices Rising So Fast?
Common Man News: 7 surprising things you're not supposed to know about sunscreen and sunlight exposure
Common Man News: Half of World's Refugees are Running From US Wars
Germany is growing much faster than the United States. Its unemployment rate is now only 6.1 percent (we’re now at 9.1 percent).
What’s Germany’s secret? In sharp contrast to the decades of stagnant wages in America, real average hourly pay has risen almost 30 percent there since 1985. Germany has been investing substantially in education and infrastructure.
How did German workers do it? A big part of the story is German labor unions are still powerful enough to insist that German workers get their fair share of the economy’s gains.
That’s why pay at the top in Germany hasn’t risen any faster than pay in the middle. As David Leonhardt reported in the New York Times recently, the top 1 percent of German households earns about 11 percent of all income – a percent that hasn’t changed in four decades.
Common Man News: Why the Republican War on Workers' Rights Undermines the American Economy
Common Man News: hy is there a Media Blackout on Nuclear Incident at Fort Calhoun in Nebraska?
Common Man News: Why Are Food Prices Rising So Fast?
Common Man News: 7 surprising things you're not supposed to know about sunscreen and sunlight exposure
Common Man News: Half of World's Refugees are Running From US Wars
Germany is growing much faster than the United States. Its unemployment rate is now only 6.1 percent (we’re now at 9.1 percent).
What’s Germany’s secret? In sharp contrast to the decades of stagnant wages in America, real average hourly pay has risen almost 30 percent there since 1985. Germany has been investing substantially in education and infrastructure.
How did German workers do it? A big part of the story is German labor unions are still powerful enough to insist that German workers get their fair share of the economy’s gains.
That’s why pay at the top in Germany hasn’t risen any faster than pay in the middle. As David Leonhardt reported in the New York Times recently, the top 1 percent of German households earns about 11 percent of all income – a percent that hasn’t changed in four decades.
Common Man News: Why the Republican War on Workers' Rights Undermines the American Economy
How far West will Internet censorship move?
A Perspective from Portland, Oregon: "' While few might object to blocking child pornography, what happens when the filters go after politically sensitive content? Will anyone ob..."
Wisconsin Judge Prossner chokes associate judge
Wisconsin state Supreme Court Justice David Prosser allegedly grabbed one of his colleagues around the neck prior to the court's recent decision to allow controversial restrictions on unions to take effect, the Wisconsin State Journal reports.
Bus-sized asteroid to pass close to Earth
The asteroid 2011 MD will pass only 12,000 kilometres above Earth's surface at around 6.56 pm on Monday, Science Popularisation Association of Communicators and Educators Director C B Devgun said.
The big green bus
The Big Green Bus is the work of 13 students at Dartmouth College. The modified Greyhound runs on a unique propulsion system that uses vegetable oil instead of fossil fuels along with solar panels to provide electricity. Each year a different group of students climbs aboard and spends the summer driving across the country and teaching people about sustainability.
Remembering Jim Stenger
The following is an excerpt from one of Jim Stenger's slander blogs, all now defunct.
Michael's Life Living with *****: December 13, 2009 Sunday Morning
By Michael Oliver
The weather has been freezing here in Portland all weekend. Friday night we did stay in. Made salad and a Cornish hen for dinner. Saturday, since it was so nice outside, we took a drive in the afternoon along the Willamette front in the 65 Cadillac ... Present I work for Trimet as a operator for the lightrail system. I live in Beaverton, Oregon. On January 7th, 2009 I was **************. I hope my daily strengths and struggles will help you with yours. ...
Michael's Life Living with - http://nextminority.blogspot.com/
By Michael Oliver
The weather has been freezing here in Portland all weekend. Friday night we did stay in. Made salad and a Cornish hen for dinner. Saturday, since it was so nice outside, we took a drive in the afternoon along the Willamette front in the 65 Cadillac ... Present I work for Trimet as a operator for the lightrail system. I live in Beaverton, Oregon. On January 7th, 2009 I was **************. I hope my daily strengths and struggles will help you with yours. ...
Michael's Life Living with - http://nextminority.
"The federal government is sending each of us a $600 rebate. If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, the money goes to China. If we spend it on gasoline it goes to the Arabs. If we buy a computer it will go to India. If we purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala. If we purchase a good car it will go to Germany. If we purchase useless crap it will go to Taiwan and none of it will help the American economy. The only way to keep that money here at home is to spend it on prostitutes and beer, since these are the only products still produced in US. I've been doing my part."
(Mark Faber)
(Mark Faber)
Saturday, June 25, 2011
HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN from al m on Vimeo.
All the supervisors that were moved back to providing services to the public are now being promoted back to white shirt supervisors.
The question is, will they sit in trucks, hang out in break rooms, or actually do something productive?
And there are even more pencil pushers coming on board too!
Claims Adjuster Non-Union Regular Full-Time $4,695.00 - $5,868.75 Monthly
Engineer II - PMLR Lead Inspector Non-Union Limited Term $4,304.33 - $5,380.50 Monthly
Engineer II - Systems Non-Union Regular Full-Time $5,117.33 - $6,396.58 Monthly
General Counsel Non-Union Regular Full-Time Not Displayed Continuous-pay is so high we can't tell anybody publicly what it is!Project Control Manager Non-Union Limited Term $6,594.92 - $8,243.58 Monthly
Project Mitigation Manager Non-Union Limited Term $5,574.08 - $6,967.33 Monthly
Friday, June 24, 2011
Pennsylvania breaks with the anti union movement!
Tentative agreements reached with the Corbett administration would provide the 55,000 employees in Pennsylvania's two largest state government unions with an average wage increase of more than 10 percent over the life of the proposed four-year contracts, the Patriot-News of Harrisburg reported Friday.
Pa. union pacts include raises, no reductions - CNBC
Pa. union pacts include raises, no reductions - CNBC
I had a great briefing from Shelly Lomax and her staff recently on our workforce needs. Bottom-line, due to retirements and on-going needs, we will be expanding our recruitment of new operators this next year! More specifically, we'll increase our operator class size -- to about 16 -- and have seven classes of seven weeks over the next year. I mention this as some of our best referrals often come from other TriMetians. Hope you have a great weekend! Best Neil
RSS Pedestrian dies after being hit by Metro bus
The woman was walking north across University Avenue in a crosswalk shortly before 9 a.m. and had a walk signal when she was hit by the bus turning left from Lake Street, the Madison Police Department said. The woman, whose name is not being released pending notification of relatives, was taken to UW Hospital.
17-year-old girl faces rap in vicious beatdown of Bronx bus driver
That's when Medina went berserk.
"She punched the driver in theface," a source said. "She thendrags her off the bus by her hair ... where she punched and kicked her repeatedly about the body."
Bien-Aime was taken to St. Barnabas Hospital with a black eye and facial cuts.
"She punched the driver in theface," a source said. "She thendrags her off the bus by her hair ... where she punched and kicked her repeatedly about the body."
Bien-Aime was taken to St. Barnabas Hospital with a black eye and facial cuts.
Bus driver dies in crash
The driver of an out-of-service Metro bus who died Thursday morning during a two-vehicle crash in south Houston was the transit agency's first vehicle operator to be killed in an on-duty wreck in at least 20 years, authorities said.
Boy, Two, Takes Lone 24-Mile Bus Journey
A two-year-old boy wearing only his pyjamas and a nappy managed to travel 28 miles on a bus from Wales to England without anyone noticing.
Full story here!
Full story here!
A blog shuts down
I do think I’ve addressed some critical flaws with TriMet. Namely, and most controversially, the lack of any kind of consistent fare inspections. I still believe, when I step onto a MAX station, probably about half of those riding actually have valid fare. I still believe this to this day. TriMet is bleeding money these days (or, rather, “WES’ing” money) and installing some kind of fare system that requires passengers to actually possess fare I believe would really help them
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Budget cuts at home, throwing money away abroad
U.S. Pledges $40 Million for Central American Drug War
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Guatemala for a gathering on efforts to combat rampant drug trafficking in Central America. The conference includes all seven of Central America’s presidents, as well as the presidents of Mexico and Colombia, leaders from Canada and Europe, and representatives from a number of global financial institutions. On Wednesday, Clinton said the United States will increase funding for regional drug war efforts by $40 million. Clinton also called on Central American countries to ensure wealthy citizens are paying their share of taxes.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Guatemala for a gathering on efforts to combat rampant drug trafficking in Central America. The conference includes all seven of Central America’s presidents, as well as the presidents of Mexico and Colombia, leaders from Canada and Europe, and representatives from a number of global financial institutions. On Wednesday, Clinton said the United States will increase funding for regional drug war efforts by $40 million. Clinton also called on Central American countries to ensure wealthy citizens are paying their share of taxes.
United States of Amerika gone mad
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will soon change its policy on patting down children at airport checkpoints, the agency’s director told Congress on Wednesday.
But during his Senate testimony, TSA Administrator John S. Pistole offered no details about the change and defended the agency’s frisking of young air travelers.
TSA child pat-down policy to be changed - Washington Times
But during his Senate testimony, TSA Administrator John S. Pistole offered no details about the change and defended the agency’s frisking of young air travelers.
TSA child pat-down policy to be changed - Washington Times
T bus driver a chip off old block
The 25-year-old poster girl for T bus operators with bad driving records takes after someone else at the MBTA — her mom.
The Herald reported yesterday that Hazel S. Cannon was among a slew of bus operators hired by the T despite scary driving histories, including multiple suspensions, moving violations and surchargeable accidents.
The Herald reported yesterday that Hazel S. Cannon was among a slew of bus operators hired by the T despite scary driving histories, including multiple suspensions, moving violations and surchargeable accidents.
Transit bus crashes
The driver of an out-of-service Metro bus died this morning after he collided with a dump truck and slammed into a pillar at a railroad overpass on Texas 288 near McGregor.
Metro identifies bus driver killed in 288 crash | Newswatch | a Chron.com blog
Metro identifies bus driver killed in 288 crash | Newswatch | a Chron.com blog
Clang, Clang, Crunch: The Truth About Streetcars
•According to the experts, modern streetcars are no better at carrying people around than other transit methods, maybe a little worse.
•Streetcars never pay for themselves.
•Streetcars are less green than buses.
•Other than that, they're great.
People love them. Something about a sleek new streetcar—the soft whir of electric technology, the aura of Euro-cool—draws people powerfully. Advocates in Portland, Oregon, claim their streetcar line has spurred billions of dollars in redevelopment because people want to live near streetcars.
•Streetcars never pay for themselves.
•Streetcars are less green than buses.
•Other than that, they're great.
People love them. Something about a sleek new streetcar—the soft whir of electric technology, the aura of Euro-cool—draws people powerfully. Advocates in Portland, Oregon, claim their streetcar line has spurred billions of dollars in redevelopment because people want to live near streetcars.
Battered Bus Driver Speaks Out As Union Calls For More Protection
“I still have a lot of pain, and my head is really hurting,” said driver Marlene Bien-Aime, who was violently assaulted Tuesday after disallowing a passenger from bringing an uncaged Chihuahua onboard her Bx9 bus.
Her eye blackened, her body bruised, Bien-Aime said she never saw it coming.
“She hit me several times in my eyes, as you could see,” said Bien-Aime. “And she hit me all over, on my head and on my back… She dragged me from my hair. My nose is broken.”
Her eye blackened, her body bruised, Bien-Aime said she never saw it coming.
“She hit me several times in my eyes, as you could see,” said Bien-Aime. “And she hit me all over, on my head and on my back… She dragged me from my hair. My nose is broken.”
That our very own STEVE FUNG is the poster boy for Trimet job recruiting?
TriMet: Jobs and Employment Info - Careers at TriMet
(Were you ever asked Steve if your picture could be used for this?)
(Were you ever asked Steve if your picture could be used for this?)
Making the weakest among us pay more
“People who will be affected the most are those who can least afford it,” said Zoe Presson, confined to a wheelchair. “Why does TriMet have to balance its books on the backs of the most vulnerable?”
Disabled oppose fare increases for LIFT at TriMet meeting | OregonLive.com
Disabled oppose fare increases for LIFT at TriMet meeting | OregonLive.com
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Seat Hogs, Door Blockers, Deboarding
I notice too when taking Max that frequently when trying to deboard the door blockers will all but create a wall making it darn near impossible for anyone to get off the train! They wont even move for wheelchairs coming off!!! Really people?
Rantings of a Regular C-Tran Rider
Rantings of a Regular C-Tran Rider
It has been announced that the election results of the International ATU be certified after all.
The Dept of Labor finds that there is not enough evidence of fraud.
We do not have an official publication to refer to at this time.
Man Down
Last week, in an incident that didn't get much attention in the national news, a man named Tom Ball set himself on fire in front of the county courthouse in Keene, NH. He left a fifteen-page suicide note explaining his actions. He was angry at the state child protection bureaucracy and the courts after a ten-year battle over a child abuse charge that became, for him, a Kafkaesque struggle with cruel authority. The long suicide note he left was a thoughtful and disturbing indictment of the legal procedures now common across America that have had many unanticipated consequences - from breaking up families to homelessness - but it was also a grim comment on the condition of American manhood.
ClusterFuck Nation
ClusterFuck Nation
Cascade Policy Institute ♥s MAX Light Rail?
The FTA has responded to Cascade's letter, and disagrees with Cascade's contention that the MAX Green Line is out of compliance with the Full Funding Grant Agreement. The FTA's response is here.
I amend my safety request
(per Jeff Welch's comments)
Buses traveling along Columbia and Jefferson have problems getting through the traffic lights where the rail tracks cross.
I would like to see the yellow light extended by two seconds to ensure that buses that are departing on greens can get through these intersections safely!
This is an amended safety request.
I would like to see the yellow light extended by two seconds to ensure that buses that are departing on greens can get through these intersections safely!
This is an amended safety request.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I submit my third request for safety assessment.
While it appeared that my first two requests for safety assessment were just brushed off to "business as usual" the management decided to review both requests for further study. A small victory over lumbering self serving bureaucracy we will see if anything is done about them at some point.
This is my third request:
This is my third request:
I have been driving the 58 bus this sign up and I am surprised to find out that the walk lights at the intersections where the light rail/ street car cross DO NOT HAVE COUNTDOWN CLOCKS!
This will lead to additional accidents as many drivers (not only professional) will be unaware of what state the green light is currently at.
It would make sense to have a countdown clock at these intersections so drivers won't "take chances" getting through stale lights.
Surprisingly, the cross streets do have countdown cross walk signals.
Bureaucratic bullshit
“Mystical references to society and its programs to help may warm the hearts of the gullible but what it really means is putting more power in the hands of bureaucrats.”
Thomas Sowell quotes (American Writer and Economist, b.1930)
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