
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

John Charles message to the TriMet Board Members

Then imagine all the beautiful trees getting clear-cut by TriMet contractors on or before September 15. Imagine the entire street being blown up and widened to accommodate a slow, noisy light rail line. Picture a big light rail station in the middle of the block, with all the aesthetic glamour of light rail stations such as those located at East Burnside and 102nd, 122nd, 148th, or 162nd; or perhaps the station at North Interstate and Killingsworth, or the Beaverton Round.

John Charles message to the TriMet Board Members | Cascade Policy Insitute

1 comment:

Max said...

Typical John Charles...

1) Candle Light "Cafe" isn't a cafe -- it's a crappy bar.

"noisy light rail"
2) Ask anyone who lives near a MAX station, and (assuming it's not gated) they will tell you that it's buses & cars that are noisy - not the MAX.

"light rail creates urban blight"
3) Look at all of the past light rail lines, and please identify the one that is now worse off than it was before. Is it Hillsboro (orenco, intel, other high-tech businesses)? Gresham (whose mayor stated that, in hindsight they should have run the train through downtown -- which they did not out of fear of crime), is it the yellow line (mississippi ave, alberta st), the green line? (lents town center)

Where is the newly blighted place? I just can't think of where that would be.

One of my friends had never ridden public transportation before she met me, and now she's living in a nice apartment right next to Quatama and commutes to work every day on the MAX. These apartments didn't exist before the MAX station was there. She wouldn't live there if the MAX wasn't there. Does this look like blight?