
Friday, March 2, 2012

Las Vegas investing in bus service

The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) announced its plans to install 150 new solar-powered bus shelters throughout the Las Vegas Valley as part of its federally funded transit amenities program.

(Wait...TriMet claims federal funds can't be used on bus amenities?)

“As a result, these 150 new bus shelters are estimated to save taxpayers about $54,000 a year in energy costs.”

(Whoa, a transit agency using federal funds to improve service AND cut costs????  Haven't I been saying that all along?)

The purchase and installation of the 150 new energy-saving shelters is funded by a $1.8 million formula grant from the Federal Transit  Administration FTA that must be allocated for transit enhancement projects such as transit shelters.

(You mean...there's a specific federal grant program that pays for bus shelters?!!!)

In total, the RTC has approximately 3,500 transit stops valley-wide and 1,500 stops have shelters.

(Let's see...1,500 of 3,500 is... 43% of bus stops have shelters, in a city in the high desert?!!!)

1 comment:

punkrawker4783 said...

Take a look at Sound Transit, the rail building empire entity. In the last year they took delivery of over 50 new artic coaches, 11 of which were hybrids for King and Snohomish County service. In the last couple of months, they identified (or got chewed out) over crowded trips, and added trips (mid shake up) to help relieve some of that crowding. Also, just arriving are brand new 40' coaches for use on service originating in Pierce County.

While ST expands light rail and Sounder, they never forget their bus riders, they value them.

TriMet just could care less about buses, but we already know that.