
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

ATU files anolher unfair labor practice against Trimet

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Anonymous said...

Starting to get concerned about the number of ulp's that are being filed. I'm glad to see the union fighting, but trimess has already retaliated once, so obviously they're capable of doing again, and what's to stop them from doing something more serious?

Anonymous said...

And what's to stop the union from calling out the retaliation and winning another ULP case in doing so? If that's how management wants "to roll ", then the union needs to stay vigilant and not be cowed.

Anonymous said...

I am getting concerned about the fact that the union has "won" 3 ULP's so far. I have yet to see any change in behavior or practice. Where is the teeth in these rulings? Must TM be taken to court on a civil level by each employee? Do the the feds have to get involved and threaten to withhold the cash, if they have been found to violate the law , but do not cease and desist? I hope that endless court decisions and blatant disregard to the rulings comes to an end!