
Saturday, August 11, 2012


From Facebook:
Those bus shelter guys don't get paid by the hour, they get $4 per shelter. Ortiz the crooked contractor can then show he is paying them more and bill Trimet accordingly while maintaining abysmal working conditions.Biggest crooked contractor Trimet deals with. Dealt with issues dealing with Ortiz incroaching on our work while Eboard officer many times. Facilities Maintenance managers love that contractor. You can bet he will charge Trimet $20 to remove each sticker and still only pay his day labor shelter cleaners $4 per shelter and then fire them if they don't remove it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Contracting Out is the Master Plan for all our jobs. The Lie is that contractors will do it cheaper and save taxpayer's money.

In the past,many times the contractor's final product was so poor or was incomplete because of loopholes in the contract or because of a complete lack of oversight by TM of the contractor's work.

Companies like Ortiz make the owners lots of money while the workers are taken advantage of and have to work for peanuts. The result is that the work ends up costing taxpayers more, not less. TM likes doing this because it throws local businesses a bone.