
Monday, January 6, 2014

Would You Trust Your Kid On The Crime Train?

To start with, let’s note that the two thirteen year old girls are safely reunited with their parents. But Saturday night, they had gone missing and to me, the story screamed “what in the world were their parents thinking”.
We must do a few dozen stories a year about teenage kids that end badly in some way; a wreck, an overdose, a shooting or a stabbing.
Here’s what I heard in this weekend’s story. The parents of two 13 year old girls let their daughters travel all the way to Clackamas Town Center, nearly an hour away by the notorious MAX crime train. The stories this weekend say the girls called their parents at 9:30 PM to say they were headed home.
That trip by transit takes nearly an hour.
Sunday morning I heard in the news they still weren’t home. When my daughter was 13, I trusted her, but I didn’t trust the rest of the world. I especially don’t trust the max, which is best known for killing unsuspecting pedestrians, in addition to carrying drug dealers, and robbers and other violent folks and to and from their criminal venues.
Would you trust your 13 year old to the Crime Train on a Saturday night?

Lars Larson


Jason McHuff said...

"killing unsuspecting pedestrians"

Let's see, if you fail to notice the tracks, then fail to realize that trains use those tracks, and then fail to look and make sure there is no train coming, you might just get killed.

And for those who were trespassing when hit, I highly doubt he would place blame the same if a person tried to cross a freeway and hit by a car.

To "kill unsuspecting pedestrian", a train would have to leave the tracks and barrel onto a sidewalk, something which is clearly not realistic. But many innocent people do get hit by guilty auto drivers.

Overall, I would hope that Lars doesn't trust the world given the things he and others like him have said and the people they've angered.

Anonymous said...

Jason: It seems that the statement "killing unsuspecting pedestrians" seems to be upsetting you. Too bad you couldn't sense the SARCASM in it!

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I'd rather my kids be on Trimet than the 205 in the car with a 16 year old shit for brains driver who will more likely get them killed than home.