
Monday, July 14, 2014

Northwest Digital Video LLC reports on the plight of Trimet retirees

Finally someone has been able to accurately tell the story of the Trimet retirees that will suffer as the result of Trimet's broken promises


Steve Fung said...

That was very good.

Anonymous said...

Truly excellent documentary. One has to wonder why the mainstream media has covered none of this information.

Max said...

Where is the Joe Rose coverage?

Al M said...

He's fully aware of this video. If he doesn't include it in one of his stories we will know for sure that he (or actually the Oregonian) is actually the FOX news of Portland.

Anonymous said...

You mean the CNN of Portland Al. How about a youtube and facebook connection so we can spread it around. This is very well done with factual information. The truth.

Anonymous said...

Very well done, exposing the ugly truth about Tri Mets management scheme to raid and steal our hard earned retirees benefits that was agreed upon as part of a condition of our employment terms.

Tri Met management does not value their employees or the public. There word means nothing and has no value. You don't pull the rug out from your front line workers, raise the fares on the poor who depend upon transportation and then give yourself a secret raise and then expect employees and the public (tax payers) to lay there and just take it

Michael Giles said...

I always knew Trimet would be a temporary job. So many drivers are betting that Trimet will always be there to take care of them for the rest of their lives. I'm not counting on Trimet on anything for more money. I'm doing something about it and I am quite successful with it. I am available to show anyone who wants an extra $500 or more a month extra to help them with their every day expenses and medical bills. Feel free to email me at I have some good news for you.

Gloree said...

Omg! I am so angered by this documentary! This really puts faces and REAL numbers to the story and plight of our retirees. Why has this not been sent to 20/20, Dateline, or even or local news to bring awareness uto Portland! People need to know and action needs to be taken!!! Feeling #helpless