Mike is being driven crazy rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ 52/75 ditch removal rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
20/38 "his pants are down cussing me out" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ 20/69 I think she hit a truck rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ yup she did the go ahead always says "fare evader" and now she's paranoid again rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
54/71 "flipping out red in the face" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ doesn't want to question him-dispatch says "man up" - KTA driver- another rider got him off 12/34 spots the walking dead rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ 12/71 MASKS, again rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
9/20 its a TRIMESS! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ "take them north" 75/17 "this is a see something say something moment" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ 72/04 rippy favorite rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ 17/40 lost and confused and in the ditch rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
4/67 PULLED for max rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ more fails 54/67 "did you have an assault" "no" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ 14/11 wants to KTA rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ dispatch says no support to KTA but you can ask her to switch buses
20/75 "you got any reports of runaways" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ nope 4/06 "I got this guy going crazy rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ BACKGROUND-he left 10/04 "he punched another passenger in the head" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
4/05 pt 2
"he's threatening to beat people up"
rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ he got off rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
70/05 scanner part 2
20/70 bad operators seat rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ tie it up rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
12/69 "I got something shot into my eyes" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ 72/53 "broke down my door glass" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ 4/05 "won't wear a mask and spitting on everybody and got them pinned in the seat" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
4/03 bring out the dog-KTA rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ 75/09 "people flipping me off" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ good driver #commendation
rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ "she is CRAZY"
rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ hahaha-relax lady
15/07 scooters are under water
rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ now he gets a mirror strike rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
15/10 shit in the shelter, masks as tp
70/10 "things are looking grim here"
9/07 spots the disposed rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ 71/01 "call my husband" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ dispatch says you can use your cell phone rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ 44/67 spots the disposed dying in the ditch rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
21/42 torture http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/21/161352-101.mp3
20/41-drop off DENIED rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ 9/34-no relief-run cancelled rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ 94/70 "smoke pouring out the back" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ 2/43 "says her neck is broken" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ "she seems fine"
Mr Personality, wow, he's helping the situation?
rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ oh he's stuck behind the 33
rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/ his solution is not good however
12/73 someone is surfing the max!
47/70 "racial statements"
33/03 send ambo http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/21/150337-101.mp3 he's insane and in the ditch
242 Blue line max shuttle! Racist lady! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
242 Racist lady is quiet. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
2040 Sleep rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
1411 How many round trips can they ride? As many as they want. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
7508 This isn’t a Priority! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
408 INTHEDITCH! Won’t get off! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
241 Standing on my bike rack & wont get off. Send police. No supervisors. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
235 Wont get off 6th & Flanders. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
Damn Doors rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
Training Supervisor calling in Mental Health crisis at RQ. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
Mental Health Crisis! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
7669 Customer Conduct Indecent Exposure! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
8067 Train Sup! Mental Health Crisis! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
Damn Doors rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
8067 Clear & Ready for service! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
1238 Through belongings all over & dropped his pants. Sounds like he’s INTHEDITCH! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
5203 Ghotta go to the restroom. Run the time point? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
1238 Waiting for supervisor for ditch removal. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
1238 Ready for Service! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
9107 The Guy is basically 1234. DONOTBOARD! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
6606 6605 Nowhere to be found? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
674 I just watched a training bus get stuck & back up with no spotter into traffic. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
Training bus 6922! Complaints about bus backing up without a spotter. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
5768 Campfire in a metal bucket in the bus shelter. Bynon says no one is going to respond. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
7672 Aggressive Male on spit on another passenger. Pants around his ankles. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
7518 Might have passed someone up. I didn’t see them. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
Damn Doors rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
2143 Tent at 119th & Powell. People have to stand in front of it to access the stop. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
7104 Guy playing with himself and shoved a bunch of towels in his pants. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
5767 Guy building fire in the shelter broke the glass. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
7194 I checked for biohazard & Im still concerned. Do you see anything in the seat? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
STOP KILLING THEM ALL----------Scanner Star 7513 KTA& leaves them INTHEDITCH! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
2070 Loud&Verbal Very Aggressive! We can’t control what they’re saying. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
2072 So much complaining. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
238 Office furniture allowed? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
1904 Bracket in front tire. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
239 Guy passed out with his pants down. He’s INTHEDITCH! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
9106 Supervisor says the guy INTHEDITCH isn’t Trimet related. Couple of little grunts. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
2041 Fender Bender! Bus Rear ended & moving. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
5778 Debit Card payment on HOP rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
1404 INTHEDITCH! There have been several calls on this guy. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
242 police Emergency
Face down INTHEDITCH!!!! This is like the 5th call on this guy. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
Line 20 Accident Synopsis rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
7204 RJ Reroute Leave early? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
7204 RJ Max still running out of CTC? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
73/40 operator spit on http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/21/131419-101.mp3
7340 Fellow operator was just spit on! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
7334 Spitting incident! Hold for supervisor. Walked towards Safeway. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
671 Bynon says it’s SOP to use the radio. It’s mirrors! Operator chased him down. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
7007 Made Huge mistake! Missed the turn & stuck! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
SARAH SIGHTING http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/21/132548-101.mp3
1237 No Relief Sandy Blvd Video rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
7007 Back up camera. Can I back up! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
1237 Waiting for the other 12. Miscommunication. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
7513 Puke at the stop
3302 Road sup observed you leaving early from P&R. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
1509 Bus ran the red light and hit a car. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
2041 Isn’t going to make her relief. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
9111 Call police and have them yank him off the bus. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
671 Customer Conduct Talking to himself or making threats? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2021/12/
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