
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Abusing tax payers money

How many 'communications' specialists does this MONOPOLISTIC transit district employ?

There are 125 "public affairs specialists" alone on the state payroll. Their wages, not including health insurance and other benefits, cost $7.5 million annually.

Toss in top-level communications and public relations managers, along with employees who work in design shops, and the roster of officials devoted to state messaging swells to more than 220 employees collectively paid nearly $13.5 million last year. 

1 comment:

lifeexplorerdiscovery said...

Our system has been wasting all sorts of money on marketing campaigns and artwork to make buses and train stations look better. Yet they refuse to fix the inherent problems of transit such as frequency and locations transit is available at.

Transit is a theory. They do have competition in the form of cars. Many systems have been doing these green campaigns where they have been arguing its cheaper to ride transit as a way to woo car riders onto the bus.

So far, it hasn't worked. Most car drivers know that with PT comes less freedom, at least with a poorly functioning system like STL Metro.

So it is interesting to think about all the wasted tax dollars going into doing the pointless. Its like these companies are afraid to actually put that money to where it could really be used because they realize that if the problem gets fixed and there isn't a flock of customers, then that puts a damper on their entire existence...

Buses need real comeptition. Its impossible to compete against cars. People will always be more willing to pay more to save time. But, if buses had to compete against other buses then that would be a different story.