
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Let's Strike!

We need to stop following the rules and strike this place!
No more business as usual!


Anonymous said...

Regarding my comments concerning an employers
ability, right or wrong, to restrict an employees conduct outside the workplace ; I would like to add the following: an employer would have no interest in who you choose to associate or in their lawful actions. If associates, including family, of their own accord, make statements that simply annoy the employer, the employer might have a narrow
You should constantly remind yourself that you could violate HR policy by causing others to act as surogates. It would be unwise to try an endrun around HR policy in that regard.
If the blog has lawful comments that you obviously agree with, and they come from someone that is not you, I would encourage tri-met to consider ; is it in their best interest to ignor those comments.
You need a non-employee to always be the final
arbiter of removal or non-removal of posts on the blog, if the blog is to stay independent of the constant interference by established interests.
I love the sight of the link to the ACLU site.

Larry C

Anonymous said...

Prior restraint creates a vacant space
in the brain for everyone.
Use that space to get creative.
Larry C