
Tuesday, January 17, 2012


shellb7: What was up with US 26 traffic? Why is TriMet so eager with tire chains ...

mranweiler: @pdxcommute #Trimet always has excuses. Those buses don't need to be chained in the garage. Set up stations around the city for chains

kristinanewmann: Got to love taking the fucking Trimet when your sick. ·

wscott5799: Rider Tip: As a MAX train comes in, move towards the one you want to board. Don't wait for it to stop #trimet

Ari_Caria: I hate being a slave to the trimet system. How does it make sense to have the bus connecting PSU and MLK run only every 30mins? IT DOESN'T!

PDXtrimetrider: I wonder if my bus will even run tonight? Tomorrow morn/night? Well, @trimet...i'm waiting for an answer

PDXtrimetrider: RT @pdxcommute: Boy, this thing is shaping up to be the biggest storm of 2012! #pdxtst #pdxtraffic #sarcasm #trimet

DXtrimetrider: Chained buses on bare pavement torture to continu for at least the next 24hrs: (via @apmargulies) great. Thanks #trimet

ironmysandwich: Nobody's at the mall because people are afraid to drive on wet roads. Maybe they should put on chains like trimet. Haha

heilkitler: So why did Trimet have to cancel service to the 20 when there's no snow? It's just rain. It's nothing we're not used to. :I

codebutler: All trimet buses running with chains on bare pavement today. Loud and bbuummmpppyy.

DelBravoTomTom: @trimet you suck. Portland needs to seriously learn how to handle snow.

supergalloo: Woa, Trimet buses have chains on their wheel today, no snow. No wonder our roads are all jacked up

nixesha: Fuck you, trimet. :'(

MrsDWhiteOR: RT @doctor_jeff: A belated thanks to all @trimet operators today, both for driving in this and putting up with people bitching about their bus being late

WiredPig: Headed in. @TriMet's drivers doing a good job today with the snow / slush / ice. I'm rocking it on the 57 bus (bus # 2903)

nahjuh_: woke up on time. . .still gonna be late cause fuckin trimet is trippin -______-

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