54/67-MIKE is sick rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 he thinks is flu but dispatch says rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
6/02 drinking on the bus rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 "someone took it away from him and threw it out the window" LOLOL!
20/43 "my head is really hurting me right now" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 79/34 spots the walking dead rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 (don't bother calling it in if you ain't gonna stop) dispatch asks 72 to check on him rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 he's ok
6/76 hard to understand but guy in wheelchair "getting mad at me and throwing bottle" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 "I think he come with madness" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 "when we call police you need to stop" 54/72 KTA rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
15/10 "quart of milk spilled" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 it's only milk JUST DRIVE rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 people are getting fed up with having to work all these hours rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 6/75 "she can't get off and needs an ambulance" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
2/36 "man on the phone with his mother saying he needs to stop for an emergency" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 police coming rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 "ambo picked him up" (WTF?) 75/05 "he's making sexual comments" ditch for him rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
14/10 (2) rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 no medical rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 blood all over the bus-he booted the riders into the ditch 73/37 thinks she got a flash ticket rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 75/05 says ban him to the ditch rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
52/74 "two riders had a scuffle" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 6/69-LV-BACKGROUND-"leaning up against my bus" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 6 minutes of assorted trimet action rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 14/10 "2 passengers fighting one is bleeding" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
20/40 BUSTED-speeding rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 "you're gonna get written up" "he'll laugh after he see's his manager" says the white shirt 72/10 "she says she's having a seizure" but it sounds like see's insane rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
20/43 "calling me cu^ts and bitches" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 9/36 "I need to express how irritating it gets to have these non maskers on these buses" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 (well you can't put everyone in jail, we have tried as a society)
SHE LOVES HER JOB-----72/49-he woke up and scaring some woman-pants are down and NO MASK rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 "I thought it was gonna be easy" SURPRISE rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
17/02-CC-"he spit at the person" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
5 minutes of TriMet mayhem rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 75/06 left her in the ditch to die per trimet policy rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 58/69 car has been idling for hours in the stop rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 also max fail/crossing inspections/working on tracks/trimess
15/03 no relief rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 72/48 sleeper rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 76/74 PRTT-"verbally assaulted her and she's frightened and wants police" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 15/06-LV- "just being loud" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
8 minutes of TriMet scanner action rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 reroute/missed turn now stuck in park and ride/he's wandering around in the living room/reroute 19/04 B808-"operators may elect to close the doors" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 so KTA if you want too
19/04 let them in or lock them out? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 I don't see the point of locking them out since EVENTUALLY they'll be on the bus anyway 20/36 says leave the dispossessed in the ditch to die rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 55/35 jason makes a joke rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
17/01 spitter rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
79/34 "its up to you if you want to continue" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 he's gonna stay
72/56 man down on his face dying in the ditch rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
14/10 L/V- he's on crutches and a cripple rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
75/04 does not wanna work extra rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
75/02 has the so called biohazard on board but he sees no biohazard at all rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
4/67 missed a stop http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/11/151712-118.mp3
4/01 he's banned but refuses ditch rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 driver sees no bio man has fare -she's driving --he has no feces on him
4 minutes and 38 seconds of TriMet excitement
rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 most of it is rail
9/02 🅼🆂🅺🆂 "and he's coughing" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
6/76 leave the waiting riders in the ditch per dispatch rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
34/01 "his pants are falling off, he's old"
"did you ask him if he needed medical"
"No" (chuckles) rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 "looks like someone punched him in the eye"
34/02 🅺🆃 rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
4/70 came on the bus smoking but he did put it in his hand-driver rolling like a champ rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
63/68 needs 51 route http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/11/135819-116.mp3
73/37 of for fucks sakes, I think its masks http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/11/135550-104.mp3 now a man is screaming at her http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/11/135933-104.mp3
12/69 the disposed acting disposed http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/11/135223-116.mp3
4/03 left him in the ditch to die http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/11/134638-115.mp3
GETTHEIR ATTENTION! http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/11/133247-104.mp3
602 Loud&Verbal Asked him to calm down & F me off. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
1701 Sleeping rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
1-Victor Scanner Star rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
Victor Scanner Star rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
5401 Tents in the way at OTC. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
1238 Guy telling me he’s going to beat my Chinese ass. I’m not Chinese. Bynon asked what do you think happened? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
1238 He’s off the bus. He’s holding a pizza box &7/11 cup. Dispatch always apologize. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
4567 Missed the turn rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
KILLS THEM ALL----671 Lady falls asleep round & round & gets verbal. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
671 Lady falls asleep round & round & gets verbal. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
Scanner Star 7503 Customer Conduct He’s not in his right mind. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
Scanner Star 7503 He refuses to get off & talking about sexual things. IDE like an officer. I’m way to nervous to get off. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
9907 DONOTBOARD!!! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7503 Are you ok? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7004 Can you escort the 75 operator to the restroom. She nervous to go. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7503 Jonathon is going to walk you over to the restroom & back. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7004 Thanks for helping her. Are you ok trying to catch up? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
Fun times rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
30/34 forgot to pick up people rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
803 A Guy giving me a bunch of crap on this bus & I want him off. MASKS not over his nose! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
803 He got off! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
1706 Can you get the training bus out of the way? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7243 Partner calling sup. If you don’t feel comfortable. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
467 Power line in the road. Bus passed over it. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
1234 Sending relief in a car to you. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
674 Sleeping Moaning & groaning. Do they need medical or supervisor? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
904 2 Problem children on here. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
5868 Loud&Verbal GOOD BACKGROUND!!!! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
9469 Customer Service called. I’ve just been taking Barbur. Simple mistake. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7108 Biohazard She’s bleeding all over her face. DONOTBOARD! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7868 Operator I’ll Covid-19 rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7108 Who’s the cleaners manager? Are people required to wear a mask in the break room? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
1904 Priority! Free Ride ! Screaming at everybody! Good Background! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
Scanner Star 7503 rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7235 No Relief Take it until 5:35 this afternoon? Denied rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7236 No Relief Work that route to 5:47? Negative! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
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