73/37 "agitated rider" http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/155747-105.mp3 he forgot his stuff
24/68 has someone who is drunk http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/155551-105.mp3
72/35 got messed up http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/152859-105.mp3
52/74 bike has large tires he jammed it in there http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/152639-116.mp3
4/71-BACKGROUND-fight in progress http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/151053-105.mp3
9/09 headlight points up http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/140916-115.mp3
2/42 "windshield wipers going rogue" http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/135955-115.mp3
55/35 missed the turn rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 75/04 "obnoxious and loud" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 ditch accepted 52/77 worried about SIP rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 77/02 gets a SIP rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 multiple complaints
"its your girl" trying to make transfer rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 it failed 72/43 TPD on board for 2 juveniles rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 72/35-PRTT-"youth spit at me got on my screen and my leg" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
8/69 mighta missed someone-just drive rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 9/08-LV-"being a racist" "are you distracted" "yes I am distracted" "its your choice to make" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 BACKGROUND-she's driving-dispatch says stop
17/05 "his bag broke" (colostomy) rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 kick out the cattle says dispatch-driver doesn't want to do it-dispatch says kick off the cattle-driver wants to save them all-DENIED
24/35 junk bus http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/103849-104.mp3
6/71 mirrors "I listened to the wrong voice and didn't call it in right away" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 70/06 lost and confused rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 "towel on his head" 71/02 "I think she's under my bus and I'm in the intersection" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
72/05 can't find any puke rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 62/69 Der Fuhrer says leave on time rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 33/11 save them all rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 78/69 gate arm got hit by a car rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 now lights won't change
6/74 junk bus http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/083043-118.mp3
58/67 junk bus http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/074502-118.mp3
87.39 junk bus http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/073631-104.mp3
48/75 junk bus http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/072255-118.mp3
4/04 junk bus http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/071540-115.mp3
75/10 disposable person rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 75/03 a disposable person might get hit rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 just drive tho its amerikka 8/69 operator being injured by bus seat rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 6/75 got a shouter rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
6/76-part 2- "offensive language and laying down" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 he's insane and in the ditch BACKGROUND-dispatch says drive 70/10 "you don't have to call in and check" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 "I've been here 25 years"
75/14 junk bus http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/062048-115.mp3
brand new 61 driver http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/060011-115.mp3
17/01 scolded http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/052734-115.mp3
72/39 junk bus http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/044638-104.mp3
72/42 crap bus http://www.rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/19/033125-104.mp3
676 save them all "but he may have mental problem" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 72/44 operators boy friend is scared he's gonna get a KTA operator rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1 12/40 "sure I can work this much?" rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
3306 SARA rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
876 Running around INTHEDITCH. Sounds like Just Drive! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
916 Is the 9 in front of me a short line? They passed up 3 people. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
5201 HOT! Pull Over! Bus driver confesses. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7106 Taser Drama! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
2436 Reroute Confusion rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
876 Can’t get paper in the printer rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
471 Offroute rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7239 Hit a rack of bikes really hard. PA! rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7239 Get out & go check the bikes. Exchange information. Supervisor on the way. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
240 Orange line cyclops light is off rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7337 Loud Rap Music rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7337 Same Guy refuses to get off. Agitated customers. Pull over & wait for supervisor. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
869 Masks & Coughing rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
869 Biohazard Clear liquid rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
2039 Smoking Crack & He’s off. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
2068 Operator thinks he might fit the description of robbery suspect. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7253 I’ll take the RDO work rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
6268 Biohazard rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
240 Courtesy stop requested rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
5869 Back Tire hit a Pot hole rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
6267 9-11 called and said someone on your bus is not responding rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
3303 INTHEDITCH rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7102 Passed up passenger at 52nd & Powell? rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7101 Priority Requesting an ambulance Fell right before I pulled up. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
1905 Dispatcher makes a joke about being lost. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
6267 Sleeper got on 7868 rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7101 The individual we called an ambulance for is being transported. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
5775 Guy crawled on my bus on his hands & knees. He wants to get to the max. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
668 WM in Amazon uniform stood in front of me. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
1512 Gentleman grabbing & harassing females at the bus stop. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
1512 Lady will contact police tomorrow. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
7514 Confused woman on my bus
7106 Sparked a Taser on the bus. It’s just me & him on here. Let them know Tasers aren’t allowed. rosecitytransit.org/radio/2022/1/1
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