As is obvious, the Pork flies like there is no tomorrow at Trimet. The executive pay is all over the place, some of those executives have gotten raises consistently over the last three years, some got big bumps last year and then went back down this year.
Macfarlane needs to be replaced because he keeps LYING TO THE PUBLIC!
Doesn't look like there's any rhyme or reason to it - surprisingly quite a few went *down* from 2010 to 2011, then Neil's went up substantially...
Playfair retired in 2011 which could be the reason his compensation dropped. Don't forget Fast Freddie was handing out those "retention bonuses" in the past. That could explain for the fluctuation.
Mr Mcfarlane's salary has hardly been "frozen"
Blocker got a $14k bump last year!
Great Post Al! Where is Mary Fetsch on the chart? 10 grand/month for Drew Blevins..Unbelievable compensation for a sales/marketing rep who makes no sales calls.Where do I sign up?
what exactly is this and what do the numbers include?
t's a report on the compensation paid to the executives listed over the last 3 years!
It proves Macfarlane is a liar, which of course we already knew.
Does it include just base salary or things like vacation and taxes? I know some of them (like McFarlane and Blocher) have moved up to new jobs, but the variations of others is odd. I mean, I thought if you're salaried, you get a set amount that doesn't change based on hours worked or whatever.
How much longer must we wait until we work for metro or are privatized and busted up for good?
Add the 2011 column up, you get just over 4M. 17M budget shortfall... Cut all those exec salaries to $75k and you save about 1.94M.
There are also 200 Trimet employees who made over $100k in 2010. Excluding the 28 in that image, cutting those salaries by $25k gets you another 4.3M. I think you can see where Trimet needs to look for their budget recovery.
One of the great things about government employment data is it's public:
If you add up just those exec salaries, you get just over $4M. Cut them all to $75k and you halve that. There are 200 Trimet employees who made over $100k in 2010. Cutting the 172 not on the list above by $25k gets another 4.3M. I think we can see where Trimet needs to do some budget cutting. Data:
If you are talking about union members who made over 100k, the issue isn't about those workers who worked incredible amounts of overtime to make that much. First they only work what the district approves. Second the reason there is so much overtime available is that the district considers union employees as long term liabilities and they figure it's cheaper for them in the long run (and short run also) to pay overtime rather than increase the number of represented employees. Bottom line for management is until a worker's overtime earnings exceed the wage and benefit package for a new employee, the district saves money. That would mean someone would need to earn 75k or more in OT to make it cheaper to hire a new employee. None of the rank and file are doing that.
No Ryme or Reason.Some went up instance Lomax went up. and Playfair went and the name playfair is ironic
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