
Monday, October 3, 2011


Jenny Hansson from KOIN writes:

Thanks for your response, Al. Although, the passenger we spoke with said the woman was told to get off… not that she left on her own free will.

Your blog is entertaining. Just so you know, we did not board any buses or attempt to talk with any drivers. Not sure who did that---but wasn’t KOIN.

This was my response to her inquiry:
I left you a voice message, I have nothing to really say about this other than the operator screwed up, obviously under intense pressure.

I don't understand why this is news? Nobody got hurt, and the transcript shows the woman with the baby left the bus on her own free will, she was not kicked off.

You can read my comments on my blog regarding this, I have several posts regarding the situation, I DO NOT SPEAK AS A TRIMET BUS DRIVER but as a blogger who happens to be a transit bus driver.

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