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"I work for TriMet in a management position where I get free travel, an inflated salary, and I'm not tied down to a timeclock to clock in and out of. I have the freedom to travel on a leisurely basis."
This is sick...TriMet having to fill up its propaganda machine with atypical "workers". (Ironically...he could help save the environment and work from home.)
"I work for TriMet in a management position where I get free travel, an inflated salary, and I'm not tied down to a timeclock to clock in and out of. I have the freedom to travel on a leisurely basis."
This is sick...TriMet having to fill up its propaganda machine with atypical "workers". (Ironically...he could help save the environment and work from home.)
I'm not tied down to a timeclock to clock in and out of. I have the freedom to travel on a leisurely basis
Where does it say that? Also, it hardly sounds like he qualifies as a "manager".
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