
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jeff Welch

For the runner – here’s the deal, short and sweet:  the bus isn’t early:  YOU’RE LATE.  If the driver continues on by the stop you’re heading for, that’s not the driver’s fault:  IT’S YOURS.  This is true even if you jaywalk (or jay-run) in front of the bus to attempt to force them to slow down/stop for you; or if you criss-cross your way through moving traffic, mainly because you cannot read a bus schedule.  It remains true even if you stick out your arm as if to hail a cab (hint:  buses are not cabs).  It remains true even if you run to the next stop and are able to board your favored bus, then browbeat the driver for “passing you up”.  It remains true even if you LIE YOUR ASS OFF and claim you were “standing at the last bus stop” – even though you were nowhere near it, and running to catch a bus whose schedule you clearly didn’t know nor care about

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