A private collection of material focusing on the never ending joys of the Trimet industrial complex-Follow the Twitter feed for complete coverage and trimet scanner calls https://twitter.com/AlYourPalster
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
TRIMET YEAR IN REVIEW-Top blog posts for November+December 2015
This version of the blog (this is the third version) has been going now five years starting December 2010. I actually started blogging in 2007 but due to various "inquisitions" that occurred while I was employed by Trimet I had to "hide" the past versions from Trimet managers. This blog has had 1,610,022 views in five years. That averages 322,004 views per year.
Not bad for a counter culture blog covering a topic that most people could care less about. No Bike Portland for sure, but I have a ball collecting this material
Trimet bridge makes 'worlds most impressive' list
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Dan Christensen is writing again
The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
For instance Dennis Uniforms will be called Cheap Ass Uniforms or CAU.
Warning: The following is more an admission of gross stupidity on my part. Let it be known that this in no way reflects on my fellow Drivers nor on Tri-met my employer. The stupid is all mine.
The life of a bus driver sometimes feels like one of those sitcoms about the minutia of daily life, Faux Pas and most of all a trail of compounding errors of judgement. like in Seinfeld or Curb your Enthusiasm.
That’s my life or it was my life just a few days ago.
Lets for the sake of argument assume that my life is a sitcom. Here are the episodes so far.
Portland's Roll Easy Blog
Classic Tweets
Neil Berlin announces that he is departing on time for the first time IN 9 MONTHS!
#trimet #max #lightrail
— TriMet Scanner (@trimetscanner) December 30, 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Trimet year in review-Top Blog posts for August 2015
https://twitter.com/TelemachusRome |
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Classic Tweets
Trimet changing name to, Band of Thieves!!!!! pic.twitter.com/IgMHNUbRH8
— coolbus18 (@coolbus18) December 27, 2015
Trimet top management and Bd. of Dir. give Retirees a xmas gift pic.twitter.com/VRAmXCf4c6
— coolbus18 (@coolbus18) December 27, 2015
Trimet year in review-Top Blog posts for July 2015
Friday, December 25, 2015
Trimet year in review-June 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Tom Horton's excellent essay on today's transit bus driver
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
It was a commuters nightmare today
It takes the morons running Trimet an hour and a half to tweet a max disruption
Trimet has no faith in Portland Bicyclists
Despite objections, TriMet installs swing-gates at 11th Avenue rail crossing https://t.co/RRONXcgiKZ #cycling pic.twitter.com/hkmNTNIsP9
— Tap Bike Light (@blinqbike) December 24, 2015
A provocative lecture on the future of transportation
This is not some "right wing Koch Brothers think tank" either
Steve Banta wasn't the first former Trimet executive to get caught wasting tax payers money
Michael Ford lives well off the tax payers |
The public is oblivious to the luxury that is afforded the sociopaths that are in charge of America's transit systems.
The 'executives', which are basically a private club ,think they are entailed to six figure salaries, six figure pensions and unlimited expense accounts to attend all sort of seminars all over the USA and even foreign travel in some cases.
Right here in Portland we all know the luxury afforded to former Trimet general manager Fred Hansen with his $204k/year pension. And current general manager Neil Mcfarlane has his nice $230k salary with a guaranteed $156k/yr pension when he decides he wants to quit. What people don't realize is that his board of sock puppets also hand him a $66,000 expense account!
While these transit executives live like kings they have skillfully portrayed their union employees who are the ones who are greedy, getting things like health care for example.
The American public,as stupid as they are, can't see the forest from the trees.
The truth about Trimet light rail reliability
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
In case you didn't know, the scanner channels have been changed
Listen Live folks thanks to @lanejensenpdx and @AlYourPalster buses here: https://t.co/GwPxR92uRI Trains here: https://t.co/kZNMTRMcP0
— TriMet Scanner (@trimetscanner) December 22, 2015
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Year in review-January 2015
Trimet: Always attempting to spin the facts
Public transportation Fail
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Letter from #atu757 to #trimet re: 3000 series bus defects (2013)
Public transportation doesn't have to suck
![]() |
Portland light rail creeps along at average speed of 23mph |
Friday, December 18, 2015
The truth about Leonard James
A great example of the failure of Public transit
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Solution for repeated Line 70 blockage
Some TriMet Line 70 trips travel down SE 13th Ave in Sellwood, and a median island was installed on SE 13th at Spokane Street that requires vehicles to shift over towards the curbs and use what's normally parking area. There is a section of "No Parking" opposite the island to allow traffic to get through, however people repeatedly violate it and park there.
Heaven forbid a capital projects person should ever get laid off
#Trimet capital projects, still in control of Trimet-from a Trimet publication pic.twitter.com/OJKNN3UbHf
— AL M (@AlYourPalster) December 16, 2015
Readership last 30 days
Classic Tweets
Found in a goodwill bin. This says it all! pic.twitter.com/ygQ8uRnjXE
— Captain SassyPants™ (@giedosst) December 15, 2015
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
Bob Nelson gives away his property to a twitter pal!
Bob going back to New Mexico! |
Got a glass computer desk courtesy of the former Deputy GM of #trimet who just retired & is moving out of the building.
— David Bouchard (@dsbouchard) December 15, 2015
Classic tweets
#TriMet scores in worst bus stops in America rankings
https://t.co/W0osYCEQjb pic.twitter.com/zi7fr6blCM
— Ron (@TelemachusRome) December 14, 2015