
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Is ATU757 Violating section 13.17?

                Our Constitution on page 60 section 13.17 states “A L.U. (local union) willfully violating the Constitution or principles of the A.T.U. or acting in antagonism to its welfare, may be suspended by the I.P. (International President) with the consent of the G.E.B. (General Executive Board), or may be placed in trusteeship in accordance with the provisions of Section 12.6.”
                Our ATU757 President Jonathan Hunt’s actions have been very questionable and I present to you the question of, should we take action? If we take action it will require presenting international with documentation that supports the violation of section 13.17. I submit to you some of the reasons and facts I have to move this action forward:
1.       In January of 2010 a preferring of charges was filed on Khris Alexander. This filing was submitted with at least the minimum required signatures. From communications with Khris Alexander and all the documents I have located on this filing I find that no signatures had been released to him or the membership. This is being handled different on my preferring of charges. President Hunt released the signatures allowing the list to be submitted to the employer. Signers of the filing had been questioned and intimidated for signing the filing by the employer, the member being accused and President Hunt. President Hunt states in an email “is my understanding the signatures make the charges so I sent her all of it”. Handling the two filings different is violating the principles of the A.T.U. in regards to assuring all members have equal rights and protections.
2.       President Hunt mailed out a letter to six (6) members. This letter was misleading and the facts were not correct. The purpose of the letter was to deny a member their constitutional right to present the filing to the membership.
3.       Allowing a list of members to be submitted to the employer is a violation of our Constitution section 21.7.

This is just a few examples of President Hunt’s willful acts that I have documentation on. There is more that can be presented. His latest actions leave room to question the security of our local union. The other officers have not taken any actions to stop him and that is why I question our members about bringing this to the International. I am working on the letter to mail to international and would like to get feedback from our membership about this. If you have anything you would like to add or comment about please feel free to contact me at


Anonymous said...

How about Conduct Unbecoming a Union Officer for getting a DUI while driving a union-owned vehicle?

Nah. Too easy.

Al M said...

That's what the charge was with the 50 signatories.
The one that just 'disappeared'.

Anonymous said...

If it "disappeared" then it's time to take it to the International. Your own bylaws (you and Chris know by now) require that such charges be taken before the membership before a vote on whether or not to move forward.

Al M said...

I think Chris is considering doing just that.