
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Jack Bogdanski commentary

More dismantling of Fareless Square ahead/Tri-Met MAX citations: Plead guilty, only $50.

The folks running the Portland Streetcar say they want to pull out of Tri-Met's "free rail" zone. Once upon a time, all public transit through the downtown core was free, but Tri-Met jerked the buses out of that program, leaving it strictly to the MAX trains and streetcars, just after the pointless renovation of the downtown transit mall was complete.
Now the streetcar folks are finding that they're running out of money, just like Tri-Met, and they're proposing to end their participation in farelessness. That would leave only the MAX trains free through downtown. One less reason to go down there.
The streetcar staff is also talking about increasing fares (and maybe even figure out how to get people to pay them) and jacking way up the price of an annual streetcar pass. But hey, we're going to bring this wonderful exercise in fiscal stewardship to Lake Oswego and beyond, doggone it! Go by streetcar! [Via Portland Afoot, which dissects the whole package here.]

Read more:

Tri-Met MAX citations: Plead guilty, only $50.

If you see a fare inspector only twice a year, that's $100 for an annual pass. But no, really -- trains without conductors or turnstiles, it's a great concept.

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