
Monday, April 4, 2011

The bicycle is a parody of a wheeled vehicle—a donkey cart without the cart, where you do the work of the donkey.


Max said...

People on bikes -
- reduce obesity and thus health care costs for everyone
- reducing carbon emissions by not driving
- reduce congestion (since they're not in cars)
- save lots of money (cars are very expensive to purchase and maintain)
- cost very little (road damage based on vehicle weight) & pay "their fair share"

That's of the perspective of someone who never wants to ride a bike. In short we make very little investment in bicycle infrastructure and even the non-bike rider gets so much more back.

Of course this is from the POV of the driver. The most important thing that I think non-bikers "don't get" is that riding a bike is fun. Remember when you were a kid and you loved riding your bike? It's the same thing. You get to feel the wind, hear the birds, smell the bread from that neighborhood bakery, talk to your neighbors, notice things in your neighborhood that maybe you hadn't noticed before. It's enjoyable at a much slower pace. That's a stark contrast to driving a car which is more like a mind-numbing chore performed in isolation - the goal to get wherever you are going as fast as possible.

Max said...

BTW: It's laughable to think that "The well-being of innocent motorists is threatened"; when 99% of funding is still spent for car infrastructure.