
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jack Bogdanski commentaries

Rah rah, siss boom bah, here's how Portland's newspaper "covers" its dying transit system. The headline writers over there must start drinking at breakfast. "With WES leading the way" -- yes, one of the biggest transit flops in history is certainly a fitting image for Tri-Met these days. The subsidy per boarding ride on that thing is $15. But hey, they make it up in volume.
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Rail project backlash gets mainstream attention

Here's a pretty decent summary of where the protests against the Mystery Train to Milwaukie (and other boondoggles) stand. Jim Redden of the Trib manages to report without slanting, unlike his rivals at Portland's monopoly daily newspaper.
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We're never too broke for the condo developers

Just as Tri-Met is building pointless new light rail while it radically slashes existing service, now the City of Portland parks bureau will blow millions on the SoWhat greenway while it closes facilities and lets existing parks rot. To Portlandia's local government, shiny new is always better than maintaining what we already have. It's no surprise that people who live here because they like what we already have are keenly disappointed. Go by streetcar!

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