
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Baby bus driver Claudine Hendren forced to retire says reliable source

Says she intends to sue Trimet. (She actually had to go through the entire grievance process first, which takes over  a year)
TriMet driver who booted mom, crying kids off Forest Grove bus retires before she can be fired, agency says |
TriMet driver loses job over family forced off bus in rain | Portland | Portland News, Local News, Breaking News, Weather | Video
TriMet completes investigation into Line 57 incident | TriMet Media 


Anonymous said...

Gotta say tho-at 67 years old I'd be glad to retire and get away from a lot of the bozos that ride the bus. Who wants to waste their golden years driving a TriMet bus for ungrateful passengers and idiotic managers.

Al M said...

She is her own worst enemy and not the brightest bulb in the room either.

Anonymous said...

She does not have to wait.In fact she only has a 180 days to file a tort claim notice.

Al M said...

Believe me-I've been through this in my adventures through Trimet world.

any good attorney will tell you to go through the union grievance process BEFORE going to the courts for relief.

Al M said...

And I would bet money she will lose and here's why.

Even though this particular incident can not be blamed on her, she refused to give that mom a ride home SO THE COP DID IT. That look like she defied the police.

And they don't decide these cases on one incident, they look at the employees entire service record, and she has hundreds of complaints.

I know that Trimet offered to take her off the 57, bus she refused!

She dug her own grave and I have a problem feeling too sorry for her.

Anonymous said...

Well..probably not one of TriMet's best hires for the job of bus operator. You have to wonder where or how she got lost in her 11 years at the agency. Then, you have to wonder, before the point of reaching over 100 complaints, why the agency failed her.

We know TriMet will not learn any lessons nor scutinize itself on this horribly sad event. I do hope Ms. Hendren will find courage to reflect, learn and move forward in a good way.

Anonymous said...

11 years and she retires with full benefits? WOW. Just WOW.

Al M said...

She doesn't get the 'full benefits'/
She is over 65 which means the health is paid by medicare. Mcfarlanes lies "till death to us part" is just his usual bullshit meant to turn the public against bus drivers.
She will get approximately $750 a month pension.
She never had an accident, nobody was ever injured as a result of her driving, so she earned the pension