
Saturday, February 4, 2012


Here we have a Trimet document that is threatening LAYOFFS!
They go on a hysterical hiring binge and then turn around and threaten LAYOFFS!
We need some sort of EXTERNAL AUDIT performed on this agency that has NO CONNECTION to TRIMET staff.


Anonymous said...

You motherf*ckers, trimet! You should absolutely NOT be hiring while having layoffs up in the the air!

Anonymous said...

Everything? Then this surely will include freezing the hiring of, as well as slashing salaries and positions of ,executives and middle managers who are making far more than they would in the private sector. But they're not in a union so you won't read that in the Oregonian.

Erik H. said...

Shouldn't TriMet be charged with a crime for claiming everything is on the table, but then excluding so many things (i.e. MAX, WES, Streetcar; all those non-critical employees like sustainability managers, diversity managers, and Capital Projects directors/managers/planners/engineers)?

I've said for how many years that Cap Projects needs to be disbanded...TriMet should be eating the cost of the millions of dollars spent on that department that they could have saved years ago. TriMet does not need a huge I.T. department. TriMet does not need a Government Affairs department. TriMet's Marketing department is a joke. TriMet has no business subsidizing a competitor (City of Portland Streetcar) and WES was a flat out error. Right there - I've just balanced TriMet's budget, and I didn't even get to slash MAX service.

Anonymous said...

Declare an immediate moratorium on all new rail (including MLR, finish the bridge and run buses on it) . Suspend WES service or charge at least $5 one way -premium service requires premium fares.

Max said...

Let's say you did charge $5 one-way for WES. Then what happens? You have the same cost of service (i.e. same number of trips), but now even fewer people are riding it -- do you really think people are going to pay $220/month ($5 * 2 trips/day * 22 business days/mo) to commute on public transit?

Al M said...

12 mins to Beaverton from Willsonville/Tualatin/'s well worth it.