
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

MICHAEL ANDERSON Interviews Cynthia Chilton



Steve Fung said...

Thanks for sticking it to Cynthia in the comments section.All I need to know about her is she is a former Mercer employee.That says it all.

Michael, Portland Afoot said...

Hey, Al, you know I respect your opinion, and you're entitled to it. I agree that the interview was sympathetic, but not that it was "anti union."

Based on what I know about the budget, it's a fact that TriMet has to either substantially cut service, substantially cut union compensation or substantially raise its income. Management cuts may be part of the solution, too, and are also worth talking about, but they're not nearly as large an overall expense as the union workforce.

The whole situation sucks.

I'm glad you submitted your other questions on the post, and hope she responds. There's only so much that can be discussed in each 20-minute phone interview.

I wish ATU would return reporters' calls. It'd make balanced coverage much easier.