
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Oregon Transformation
The Biscuit Wheels are Falling off the Gravy Train
TriMet proposed big changes at the agency last week to fill a $12 to $17 million budget hole, which will mean more pain for its customers.
Longer waits, higher fares, more transfers, and no more “free rail zone” or using the same ticket for going back the same way you came.
So does the budget crunch mean TriMet has less money than it did last year? Not quite.
TriMet’s operating budget is expanding $50 million this year, or 12 percent.
In fact, since 2007 TriMet’s operating funding has increased 28 percent or $103 million. TriMet’s total resources have increased 65 percent or $392 million over the same period.
2012 02 17 Biscuit Wheels TriMet is costing more and giving less
So what is TriMet giving its customers in return?
Between 2007 and 2011, total miles driven by TriMet buses has decreased almost three million miles, while being offset by an increase of only 500,000 rail miles.
In total, TriMet had a decrease in service by 2.5 million miles.
More money, less service.


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